Amy: We decided to stick around Luxembourg to take in the premier of the World Me You Zik festival. The hostel in the city was full for the weekend so we took a bus out to the nearest hostel in Bourlingster. The drive out was beautiful. We came back on the bus this morning and have been taking in the music since about 2:30. We saw an amazing act this afternoon. It was a woman from the Ivory Coast, her name was Dobet Gnahore, her website is if you want to check her out. Patti and I both think she would be a hit at the Wpg. Folk fest.
The city is booked tonight so we are planning on taking in the music as long as we can and then hanging out at the train station until sun rise. We have to go back to the hostel in the city to get the gear we stored there and then catch a train to Ghent. The weather has still been cold and wet but we are holding out hope that it will be ok in Belgium and we will be able to camp again. I don't think I can eat another hostel breakfast for awhile.
Thanks again to all who have left comments, we enjoy logging on to see who has left us messages. We will update again when we can and will hopefully have some nice sunny pictures of Ghent.