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Roadtrip Australia Drive it. Film it Win it.We're looking for 7 pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia's states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers.


There are [194] photos and [34] stories about Australia

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Van-Tastic Adventures Winners Announced!

Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [3076]

33,000 kilometers, 12 months, 7 states and heaps of adventure activities ...finally it's time to announce the winners of the Van-Tastic Adventures roadtrip competition.  Congratulations Willie Concep c i ó n and Andrew Adams , the ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, australia, campervan, funny, itinerary, northern territory, outback, oz, roadtrip, van-tastic adventures

Van-Tastic Adventures: WATCH, VOTE & WIN!

Friday, 11 Jun 2010 | Views [2467]

Seven lucky teams of travellers from across the world have tackled the ultimate Aussie roadtrip in the WorldNomads.com Van-Tastic Adventures competition! They set out to experience all that Australia has to offer while filming and documenting ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, australia, backpacking, campervan, competition, funny, oz, roadtrip, travel, van-tastic adventures

Van-Tastic Western Australia - The final leg of the the ultimate Aussie roadtrip hits the road

Monday, 3 May 2010 | Views [1586] | Video

On the road in Western Australia On Thursday, May 6th the final leg of the Van-Tastic Adventures roadtrip kicks off in Darwin with Alex and Patrick , two freelance filmmakers from Toronto, Canada behind the wheel. The team has 6 weeks ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, australia, backpackers, campervan, driving, funny, oz, roadtrip, travel, van-tastic adventures

The Outback is Calling!

Friday, 12 Feb 2010 | Views [13533] | Video

What could you do with six weeks, a fully kitted out campervan and a video camera...in the legendary Australian outback? The WorldNomads.com Van-Tastic Adventures competition is looking for one more team of travellers to hop in Geoff, the ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, backpackers, campervan, itinerary, outback, oz, perth, travel, van-tastic adventures, western australia

Van-Tastic Tasmania winners announced!

Thursday, 22 Oct 2009 | Views [2012] | Video

The Americans are taking on Tassie! The dynamic duo of Dara Simkin and Catherine Fleming, friends from Florida will be hitting the road for the Van-Tastic Adventures roadtrip through Tasmania. Check out their winning video where they go looking ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, road trip, tasmania, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, victoria, world nomads

Van-Tastic Victoria winners announced!

Thursday, 10 Sep 2009 | Views [1467] | Video

Congratulations Tim Ackroyd! So it will be Tim (a right geezer from London) and his secret weapon- his Aussie mates – boarding Geoff for the Van-Tastic Victoria Adventure! Tim plans to hook up with several of his antipodean mates at various..... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, road trip, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, victoria, world nomads

Van-Tastic QLD Television interview

Wednesday, 19 Aug 2009 | Views [1869] | Video

An interview with Adam & Hamish about the Van-Tastic adventure by Channel 7 Australia. Remember there are still 5 Van-Tastic Adventures up for grabs, so get busy with your submissions. The next deadline is August 30 for Van-Tastic Victoria ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, interview, road trip, van-tastic adventures

Van-Tastic NSW winners announced!

Monday, 27 Jul 2009 | Views [1464] | Video

Congratulations Kirsty & Carly! The girls will pick up Geoff in Brisbane, cross the border and kick start their adventure in NSW with diving, kayaking and beaching in beautiful Byron Bay …ahhh the dolphins, the whales! We loved their ... Read more >

Tags: byron bay, drive it, film it, nsw, road trip, van-tastic, van-tastic adventures, whales, win it, world nomads

Geoff the Van-Tastic van is heading north to Cairns

Monday, 27 Jul 2009 | Views [1632]

Alicia and Kirsten, two American international business grads intent on seeing the real world, are driving up the east coast of Australia to deliver Geoff the Van-tastic van to Cairns, where the first leg of the Van-tastic adventure begins. Follow ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, geoff, road trip, smarkas, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, world nomads, yamba

Gallery: Van-Tastic photos

Thursday, 16 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 72 photos >>

Kiwi boys win Vantastic Adventure Queensland roadtrip!

Thursday, 9 Jul 2009 | Views [1933] | Comments [1] | Video

Hamish and Adam, two charming kiwi boys will be taking Geoff on it's maiden voyage, kicking off in Cairns for their Queensland road trip. Congratulations! We hope they arrive with all limbs and organs firmly in place as they are gearing up to run ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, queensland, road trip, van-tastic, van-tastic adventures, winner, world nomads

Check out some of the Van-Tastic video submissions

Tuesday, 7 Jul 2009 | Views [1794] | Video

See more of the Van-Tastic videos at: http://www.youtube.com/groups_videos?name=worldnomads We're looking for seven pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia's stunning states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers. If you've got what ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, drive it, film it, road trip, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, video, win it, win the ultimate aussie road trip & $10000, world nomads

Film the ultimate Aussie road trip & win $10,000! Submissions for Queensland leg close 5th July!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Views [2592] | Video

We're looking for seven pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia's stunning states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers. If you've got what it takes, then we'll...   Fly you to Australia from anywhere in the world! Give you ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, australia, drive it, film it, road trip, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, win it, win the ultimate aussie road trip & $10000, world nomads

The Ambassador Van (mk2)... retires

Wednesday, 3 Sep 2008 | Views [3928] | Comments [2]

The Ambassador Van has been on the road for nearly two years now. It's done more than a few laps of Oz, survived a crash by the Lost Girls , rested more than 35 Ambassador heads on it's pillows, ferried more cases of beer than we care to know, ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, australia, campervan, competitions, road trip, van-tastic, van-tastic adventures, world nomads

Show Us your Craic!

Monday, 28 Jul 2008 | Views [2069]

John & Deidra have come from Ireland in search of some good craic in Australia, and have picked up the Ambassador van to help them in their search. John: 3 and a half months ago I left the UK for Perth, Western Australia. Meanwhile I’d ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, craic, road trip, world nomads

Blue Skies ahead

Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [1431]

We (Nora Dunn & Kelly Bedford) were never the sort of people who do things in small measures. We don’t just bungee jump; Kelly is an instructor and I have jumped all around the world (including the world’s highest bungee jump in ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van

Allwelcome's Family Vacation

Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008 | Views [1483]

Unsatisfied with our little house in Norway, two great jobs and warm and loving friends, a supportive salary and freedom from our 8 year old while he attends school, we ditched it all for a nomadic existence. What were we thinking???? We're now ... Read more >

Tags: allwelcome, ambassador van, on the road

Down a rolling road

Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Views [1795]

"We're Leesa Gentz and Julz Parker A.K.A "Hussy Hicks". We've been given the honour of being the World Nomads Ambassadors for the next few weeks. With this honour comes the van (what a splendid creature) ... our home ....we will ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, hussy hicks, on the road

Lazy Days with Dazey

Wednesday, 9 Jan 2008 | Views [1734]

"Back in September I left New York and all that came with it — job, friends, low-rent apartment— to travel Australia on my own. So far I’ve spent multiple weeks in both Melbourne and Sydney, and I’ve done the East Coast backpackers trail, all ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, dazey311, on the road, road trip


Monday, 10 Dec 2007 | Views [1849]

Stuart, a young Scottish nomadic type with excessive wanderlust and a confessed addiction to Australia, takes the keys of the Ambassador Van in Cairns, rounds up some friends, and heads off into the sunset. Read about Stuart's adventures ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, on the road, vagabonding

Berlin Bert

Monday, 12 Nov 2007 | Views [1851] | Comments [1]

Berlin Bert likes: Canned food, running, cities, soccer, after-lunch sleeps, photography, family, coffee... and working. After way-too-long hunched over a computer in the WorldNomad's offices, we have kicked out our hard working backpacker and sent ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, friends

The Wanderer... goes for a drive

Thursday, 20 Sep 2007 | Views [2092]

"After nearly twenty years working in emergency management - ambulance, search and rescue, structure fire, law enforcement and bush fires – assignments varying from managing aircraft on bush fires to coordinating crews in the picking-up of pieces ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, friends

Tribulations of a swiss guy

Friday, 3 Aug 2007 | Views [2083]

"What should simply have been backpacking across Asia, became cycling through Tibet and the Himalayas. I was aiming for Japan, and I'm now heading Down Under to drive a crazy van from Darwin to Perth. But as I read somewhere, you're not doing ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, friends, road trip

Big Trip Bloggers

Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [1847]

"A while back, while waiting for Val to finish up writing some emails in an internet cafe, I stumbled upon an opportunity. To qualify, you had to be willing to blog about your trip to Australia several times a week, as well as produce at ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, big trip blog, road trip

The Lost Girls

Monday, 23 Apr 2007 | Views [8546]

Jen, Holly and Amanda are three Manhattan girls who quit their magazine and media jobs (insert Sex and the City references here) and left the States to travel the world for a full year. This many not sound all that unusual to you globetrotting Aussies, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, lost girls

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