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Roadtrip Australia Drive it. Film it Win it.We're looking for 7 pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia's states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers.


There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "adventures".

Van-Tastic Adventures Winners Announced!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010 | Views [3076]

33,000 kilometers, 12 months, 7 states and heaps of adventure activities ...finally it's time to announce the winners of the Van-Tastic Adventures roadtrip competition.  Congratulations Willie Concep c i ó n and Andrew Adams , the ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, australia, campervan, funny, itinerary, northern territory, outback, oz, roadtrip, van-tastic adventures

Big Trip Bloggers

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [1847]

"A while back, while waiting for Val to finish up writing some emails in an internet cafe, I stumbled upon an opportunity. To qualify, you had to be willing to blog about your trip to Australia several times a week, as well as produce at ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, big trip blog, road trip

The Lost Girls

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 23 Apr 2007 | Views [8546]

Jen, Holly and Amanda are three Manhattan girls who quit their magazine and media jobs (insert Sex and the City references here) and left the States to travel the world for a full year. This many not sound all that unusual to you globetrotting Aussies, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, lost girls

Wanderlust with the Wanderyears

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 13 Mar 2007 | Views [2102]

Hey bro….I’m doing this trip…. Etc…. look, I know you have work and stuff, no hurry, but have a think about it”. Before Timo could even complete his sentence, Matt chipped in. “Yup, I’ll do it” . Timo: “But, surely you want to think, check ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, road trip, wanderlust, wanderyears, world nomads

Philthy-nomad skives off

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 2 Mar 2007 | Views [1846]

Phil the Philthy-nomad took our Ambassador Van to the Melbourne Adventure & Travel Expo for a few days of show and tell. Yep, Phil works for us and we gave him a well-deserved one-week break at the end to deliver it back to Sydney. From his first ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van

Travelling Dan

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Feb 2007 | Views [20682]

Travelling Dan has picked up the van and he's off to see a slab of Australia for free. In a round-about route, he started in Melbourne, came via Canberra to Sydney and now he's off towards Victoria again to do a bit of rock-climbing. Read ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, road trip

Two Stowaways

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Jan 2007 | Views [2049]

Instead of stowing away, Ian and Tamara have taken the helm and are steering the Ambassador Van south out of Sydney towards Victoria. It's a little known fact that the busiest air-route in the world is Sydney - Melbourne and I think that we might ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, canberra, harbour bridge, road trip, stowaway, sydney, world nomads

Ambassador Van Crew 1 - Ana & Emma

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 23 Dec 2006 | Views [2190]

Check out our first World Nomads Ambassadors - Ana & Emma as they drive from Sydney to Adelaide and then back to Melbourne to help support the poor English cricket team ! Read about this cricket Odyssey in their blog Ana and Emma's ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, ambassador van, road trip, victoria, world nomads

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