Hey bro….I’m doing this trip…. Etc…. look, I know you have work and stuff, no hurry, but have a think about it”.
Before Timo could even complete his sentence, Matt chipped in. “Yup, I’ll do it”.
Timo: “But, surely you want to think, check with the boss, organise things”.
Matt: “Done. I just thought about it”.
Timo: “Sweeet”.
One camper Van, Two blokes. Four weeks. What could go wrong?
"We didn't 'Planet'?" is the stories of Timo and Matt aka The wanderyears.
These two picked up the van on Monday 12 March and are simply heading west out of Sydney to do a bit of exploring in Australia's dry and dusty plains. Having said that, the last I heard was that there'd been huge rainfalls across South West Queensland resulting in a rare occurence - the rivers are full and running their brown rainfall right across the heart of Oz towards Lake Eyre, where it's lucky for the salt flat to see water every 7-10 years. It might not be so dry and dusty after all!
Read about the wanderyears' adventures in the blog We didn't 'Planet'?