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Clogged Drain 0 - Brandon 1

Sunday, 22 Nov 2009 | Views [660]

Long story short we had a clogged bathtub drain and I decide to see if I could take care of it myself.  Thanks to the below website: http://bonzaiaphrodite.com/2009/06/natural-homemade-drain-o-or-how-to-unclog-without-chemicals/ I was able to unclog ... Read more >

Doyle Wedding

Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009 | Views [852]

And now, for the main reason we were back in PA in October - Joy's wedding!  We were so happy to be able to be there to celebrate Joy and Sean's big day in person!  It was so wonderful to get to see the Entwistle family again, and meet Sean's family, ... Read more >

Food, fun, and fireworks

Wednesday, 21 Oct 2009 | Views [587]

We had a wonderful, albeit, whirlwind of a trip to PA for Joy's wedding.  Between squeezing in some appointments, speed shopping, and dress fittings, we were able to catch up with some of my family and friends.  We even got to watch a Steelers game on ... Read more >

Gallery: Doyle Wedding

Tuesday, 20 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Pennsylvania

Tuesday, 20 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Bender Wedding

Sunday, 27 Sep 2009 | Views [650]

We had a wonderful trip back to Nebraska last week.  It was a whirlwind of a trip - arrived around midnight Wednesday and departed around 7am Sunday morning - but it was well worth it!  We had so much fun with the Carlson (and Jones) family and can't ... Read more >

Gallery: Bender Wedding

Sunday, 27 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Bang on the drums all night long!

Monday, 7 Sep 2009 | Views [1386]

For the last couple nights we have heard the drums and singing of the Eisa performers as they go up and down the streets near our apartment.  They are doing this in celebration of Obon, more info on Obon below, which lasts for three days here in Okinawa.... Read more >

Hey look a....Squirrel?!

Wednesday, 26 Aug 2009 | Views [672]

Congrats, you have all made it half way through the week and we are that much closer to the weekend! This last weekend we talked to Jesse, Ana, and Dick on Skype.  I took that opportunity to snap a quick screen capture of Jesse's reaction to something ... Read more >

Aria Asia! ...Electric Violin! ...Yes, an Electric Violin!

Sunday, 23 Aug 2009 | Views [1635]

Last Saturday evening we went for another round at Yogurt Land....come to think of it, it has already been a week since we were there last… about time to go again!...  Anyway, we saw a group just starting their performance down below.   Since we ... Read more >

Okinawa Zoo!

Saturday, 1 Aug 2009 | Views [939]

Now granted this was no Henry Doorly Zoo, but it was a zoo and made for a fun morning.  The highlight for me was seeing a Okinawan fruit bat up close and personal.  I never imagined them to be extremely friendly and interested in what you are doing. ... Read more >


Sunday, 19 Jul 2009 | Views [790]

I thought I'd share a couple photos of the local sugarcane growing.  I've watched it grow from seed to around 7ft tall!  My guess is within the next couple weeks they will have the machinery in to harvest the sugarcane.  The other photo I uploaded ... Read more >

Giant Tomato.....PLANT!!

Thursday, 21 May 2009 | Views [3794] | Comments [1]

I don't know about you, but I never realized a cherry tomato plant could grow this tall.  We didn't give it anything special just watered and moved it inside due to the high winds on the balcony. If you check the photo gallery you'll notice that the ... Read more >


Monday, 18 May 2009 | Views [548]

Ok, later that night after Okinawa World! we ate supper at a small place along the sea wall and watched the sunset over the sea. (Quite an amazing view) On the way back we noticed on the building about a block from our apartment an entire colony of ... Read more >

Where was I?

Monday, 18 May 2009 | Views [627]

Right...the end of the cave and into the Tropical Orchards.  Where we saw a variety of fruits being grown.  That would have to be the first time I saw actual pineapples growing! (The pineapple in my old office doesn't count since it was never this far ... Read more >

Okinawa World!

Sunday, 17 May 2009 | Views [1075]

"This is the biggest theme park in Okinawa, making, eating, playing, and learning a variety of attractions" - quoted from the vistor's guide we picked up. However, before describing our newest adventure I should mention the drive to Okinawa ... Read more >

A Cow out for a walk....

Saturday, 9 May 2009 | Views [745] | Comments [4]

I was driving home the other day and I noticed this on the side of the road... I cannot say I've ever seen one cow being lead to its next location.  The cow was well behaved with the cars driving by.  You would think it was just out for a walk.  Its ... Read more >

My stroll along the Sea Wall...

Monday, 20 Apr 2009 | Views [564]

I put up some photos of my stroll along the Sea Wall from the other day and sunset with Brandon.  Hope you enjoy! We had a wonderful Saturday night!  The park near the Convention Center had a fireworks festival, and despite the fact that it's two "... Read more >

My New Ride!

Sunday, 12 Apr 2009 | Views [675] | Comments [1]

Friday afternoon, the Air Force provided the opportunity to "come see a Raptor, F-22, and meet the pilots."  This was my second time to be able to walk up to the approximately 160 million dollar Fighter and Arielle's first time to see one up ... Read more >

Blizzards, Hail, and Tornados OH MY!

Tuesday, 24 Mar 2009 | Views [963]

Sounds like we missed quite the day in NE. I bet it is not often in the same state on the same day you have tornadoes and blizzards....except Nebraska! Now that is something I definitely don't miss right now is tornadoes. However, a co-work of mine ... Read more >

Tags: nebraska, weather

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A picturesque setting for a wedding.

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