I did not know this place could be so windy! It seriously makes me feel like it is going to knoch me over! And the dirt flies all over. The power of it is beautiful, though. It makes the trees bend in graceful arches. :)
Today I visited the statue of Christ. Not nearly as big at the one in Rio, of course, but you still get the idea of God the Savior. Oh, and I also checked out the cathedral museum. It was pretty amazing the stuff they have in there. There was one chalis (sp?) the cups the priest uses for the wine that had the Last Supper on the top, angel faces on the stem, four clergymen standing on the base, and then heads of an eagle, a cow, a lion, and a person on the base, too. It was done with silver. Very beautiful.
Let´s see, yesterday I walked to a park with water and chessboards and people and wind. Some guy walked by and blew my disgusting slobber looking kisses. He was holding his wife´s hand at the time. Wish I had thought to employ the word "cállete!" (which means shut-up). Dirty gross man.
There was also a market right next to the park. I bought a Puma jacket and belt. Cost me less than U$S 10. It was fun to go back in forth on the price a little bit ;)
Tuesday I went to a birthday party and then out to a bar with live music. It was fun. I let the girls to my hair and make-up and pick-out my attire. They are definitely younger than me, you can tell by the way they apply make-up. I am much more subtle in my approach. But it was very pretty; they did a fine job. The music at the bar was very enjoyable. I don´t understand most of what they are singing about, though the sound moves me nonetheless. And Reggatone has beats that I really am enjoying - makes me want to dance. Hopefully the girls remember to burn me a CD ;)
What else... Oh, I met the coolest travel agent ever! She speaks English very well (also German). She hasn´t been to the US yet, but she cannot wait to get there and kiss her boyfriend. That would be Mr Mickey Mouse!! ha ha. She told me stories about how she used to hate Americans, and not help any of us who got lost in this other world. But now she realizes that Americans are wonderful people, and she says that President Bush is the only one who sucks. Now she defends Americans whenever she sees someone else giving us a hard time. :) She told me about the constellations here a little bit. I wish it had been night time so she could have shown me. Also, she used to be a tour guide. This one time she was explaining maíz beer to a group. She kept saying what the group heard as "mice" - ´you squeeze the mice´ and blah blah blah. The group was acting like they were going to be sick. Then she realized that maíz sounds like "mice" but actually means CORN. She was talking about corn beer. ha ha. Funny story (I am sure she told it better than I have).
Other than that, I am mostly just being here. Tonight I go for a home-cooked meal with friends. Maybe to another park tomorrow. Or the zoo. Then back to Rio Saturday. Oh, and my essays are almost complete (for school)!! It will be nice to have them finished. I will post them, to share with you what I (think) I learned on this study abroad...