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ha ha - hey!!

BOLIVIA | Monday, 2 July 2007 | Views [675]

Wow, it`s been a little while since I have been on here - sorry about that.  I have enjoyed just being in places too much to run to the computer all the time (though I am still working on school essays). 

This past weekend I went out to San Ramon and San Xavier, Bolivia.  It was nice; VERY nice to be back in a family atmosphere (I went with some of Jorge`s family friends) and it was also great to be around animals!  I got to pet lots of dogs, and there were cats and chickens and ducks and a pig.  The dogs played with the cats and so did the pigs.  Yeah, this was the first time I have seen a pig and a cat play together.  Granted, it was a little pig and a big cat, but it still sort of blew my mind.  ha ha!  It was good.  Also, there were cows.  :)  Sunday we got up real early and went to the farm, and he milked the cows right into our cups!  Warm, fresh milk with cinnamin and sugar = YUM.  The first glass also had San Pedro (an alcohol made from grapes - but not wine) and that was way too strong for me in the morning! 

The countryside itself was a welcome and comfortable change from the big cities I have been visiting.  I can only think of two discriptions for it, and I am not so sure they align at all.  The one is that it is like rolling farm land with palm trees.  The other is that it is like the serengetti with domestic farm animals.  Yeah, I don`t know where I come up with this pictures either.  (And I don`t think I am very good at spelling sometimes, either.)

Santa Cruz itself is a lot of fun for me.  It is a quaint place.  The people have local features - which is nice to see after being in the melting pots of big cities.  I tower above most of the people.  It was just before I made this trip that I was informed that Bolivians are typically very very short; the only one I knew before was 6 foot 5.  Security guards are abundant, especially around the banks by the main plaza.  Safety does not present itself as much of an issue to me here (though of course I am still aware and cautious, Dad and Mom - you taught me thoroughly).  The buildings are not high.  I think four stories is probably about the max, maybe five.  Things are close together and well laid out.  It is very easy to travel around on foot.  The main plaza is a beautiful place, with lots of plants and benches and of course the church.  It was nice to just wander around and listen to the music.  Oh, and stuff is very inexpensive.  The Bolivano is basically 8 to 1 on the US dollar.  This afternoon for lunch I had a huge sandwich (still have half for dinner), fries, and fresh juice.  Cost me less than U$S 4.50.  And I think that was eating on the expensive side of options.  Some places do price their items in US dollars, though, so keep a heads up depending on what kind of items you are looking at. 

As for driving, the vehicles interact with each other a lot less aggressively here.  The do drive pretty much wherever they please -meaning wherever the vehicle will fit.  But they seem very good natured and helpful to each other.  The cars break down, but they just fix them wherever they happen to stop.  Random people stop and help, too.  Here is a driving caution: they are serious about their speed bumps!  WOW.  The bumps are huge and they are preceeding and also following by a series of smaller bumps.  It is pretty intense, especially when you consider that they vehicles are not built like the big cars in the States.  But the people take it all in stride and roll along with a smile.

The hotel I am at is good, too.  I like the Rose soap and towels.  The music channels are a good mix of 80`s and Spanish music.  And I watch the movies with subtitles (Laura: I saw ´In Her Shoes´ last night.  English w/ Spanish subtitles.)  The hotel is fairly simply, but I get the impression that it is very nice relative to the area.  There are good pictures in the hallway: first floor has a unicorn (made me think of The Last) and the second has a couple horses on it (the third is just a landscape).  Breakfast is yummy (cafe con leche, suco de papaya o piña, y pan con marmilade) and has a great view because the windows are to the balcony and the city from there.  I like it ;)   

p.s.  Dad`s co-workers (meaning: Dad) : yeah, I imagine that Scottish guy is single.  He is also 19.  Nice guy, but I have other very fine quality options... 

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