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no game

ARGENTINA | Friday, 25 May 2007 | Views [579] | Comments [1]

Well, the volleyball game last night didn´t happen.  :(  I showed up and there was just the home team and about four fans.  The other team hadn´t showed up on time; most of the home team had already left by the time the opponent got to the gym.  I hoped they would call people back and play anyway; they didn´t. 

BUT, the coach had me set and pass a few with one of the players - then he said, yes, I could play with them.  :)  Practice Tuesday at 1930. 

Then some of the guys invited me out for dinner and drinks.  I didn´t go right away, because I wanted to meet up with my program people at the hotel - it was a birthday for one of the guys.  But I did go to the bar later to find the volleyball people.  That didn´t work out so well either, though.  I was early or late or they just changed their plans. 

I showed up around 2 and ended up staying until 4.  Another 40 of Quillmes Bock made me happy.  Apparently here dark beer is ´chick beer´ and the men drink lighter beers.  The guys I ended up talking to were drinking Steila, which I concur is a phenominal choice, pero mi gusto bock tambien (but I like bock, too).  Anyway, these guys were fun to chat with for a while.  Paul photographs for criminal investigations, and Robert does something else (I don´t know what he told me - I was ´smile and nod´ at that point).  They spoke some English, I tried to speak some Spanish - we communicated enough. 

Oh, and the music was all English.  From what I have heard and seen, they like 80´s tunes here.  VH1 plays old videos, and I keep hearing Michael Jackson and Guns ´N´ Roses - I am just fine with that!  That´s the stuff I like, too.  I just didn´t expect it here.  Then again my ex-boyfriend, the Bolivian, once told me that he learned English by listening to GNR.  So, I´m trying to listen to the Spanish music videos to help me out.     

Changing focus, today is a holiday here.  The 25th of May in 1810 is the day that Argentina decided to fight for independence.  Their actual independence day is the 9th of July, I think four years later.  It doesn´t seem like there are any major celebrations for this day, and wé´re not sure what will actually be open.  We don´t have class today, though; a few people went on excursions out of town, a couple just into Bs As, most staying local.  Me - we´ll leave it to the wind and see where I end up... 

Tags: observations



Hi! I was looking for travel insurance on worldnomads.com and saw this link to travel journals. I lived (and played some vball) in Buenos Aires for 5 months back in 2005. I hope to return and play some more. Which team are you practicing with? I played with UBA a bit and want to return and play PRO!
I'm curious to see how you like it down there with all the swing blockers. Did you play college vball in the USA?

  Livi Bryan May 30, 2007 7:37 AM

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