On Saturday we made it to the Thredbo Blues festival, an annual musical event held in the Thredbo village, which is now in it's 13th year (or 14th year if you count the one that was rudely interupted by a bushfire)
We got to see quite a few bands, many thanks to John for kindly offering us evening passes to see more of the main acts! Apart from the pubs & rooms where the bigger acts played, there were many free outside gigs & jams going on. The music was great and the weather wasn't too hot and the crowds were very enthusastic.

The act that most appealed to us was "The Hands" which features two keyboard players trading chops on a Hammond organ thru a swirling leslie speaker & a clavinet. "The Mighty Reapers" had the crowd dancing in front of the outdoor stage in the village square while Mal Eastick's band kept the Shuss bar hot, sweaty & packed with a very vocal & appreciative crowd.

Check out some of the photos of the bands we saw in the Thredbo blues festival 2007 gallery
Tommorrow we are off to climb Mt Kosciouszko - should make for some sore legs!