I made it to Denmark perfectly fine, the only problem I seem to have is this laptop wanting to add "ø or æ or even å" into my words seemingly at random.
On only the first day well first none traveling day i've come to realise quite a few things. From a travel perspective i dont seem to travel on planes very well. They don't make me physically ill whilst im on them nor do i suffer from any form of paralysing fear about traveling on them.
But it seems specifically my head doesn't like flying, my ears struggle to pop and my head fills up with cotton wool, in turn this seems to have a tendancy to make me tired, as even after a relatively short flight i find myself yawning, even after a relatively decent nights sleep.
A none travel related realisation is the newfound respect i've gained for mothers in just a single day of staying with Maria, Thomas and Albert in Copenhagen. While planning and talking this trip over with her she kept refering to Albert her son as "the boss" but thats only just sinking in now.
I have relatively few very early "baby" memories, the earliest thing i remember is an embarrassing event on a speed boat, which i only think i remember because i've been told it that many times. Now i think it's a shame that i dont remember how much my mom did for me on a daily basis when i was so young and vulnerable. Also brings to mind visions of mothers who ignore and dont look after their babies and how lucky i was in that regard
Finally i realise that this is day 1 (again not counting traveling days) and i think im already going deeper on this blog than i ever intended i would.. interesting what this going away from home lark does.