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solbeam Equipped with backpack, blog and her sense of Wonder, a perpetual pilgrim wanders aimfully on....


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "Budgets & money".

Where Did You Get All The Money To Be Able To Travel?

USA | Tuesday, 18 Oct 2005 | Views [1619] | Comments [2]

This is the biggest complaint I hear; "I would travel…if only I had the money." I pay for ALL my travel expenses. Please don’t think for a second that I’m pracin’ around on Dad’s plastic. My parents “taught me the value of a dollar” ... Read more >

Tags: Budgets & money

the joy margin

COLOMBIA | Friday, 17 Dec 2004 | Views [1161]

There comes a point, along the path of every traveller, when in one neck-stiffening and heart-palpitating moment, you come to a course changing conclusion enlightened by a single flashing revelation... Um. Pretty, yes. But the enlightenment I´m ... Read more >

Tags: Budgets & money

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