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No Worries 'Mas o Menos' 2 years on the road, travelling South East Asia, China, South & Central America and who knows where after that... Photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dojo77/collections/

The decision has been made...

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 4 February 2008 | Views [813]

Ryan and I have decided to leave Australia at the end of the year to spend about 18 months travelling around the world. At the moment we're just reading up about countries and deciding where to go and what to do. We don't want to do too much planning as most of the decision will be made on the road but we're doing enough just to get a rough idea of where we will head and for how long. It's very exciting planning something that's so far ahead but I'm sure the year will fly by and we'll be living out of a backpack before we know it. We've also got a lot of saving to do, so my natural skills to count every penny and be a miser are coming to the forefront. 'We can't afford to do that' is frequently heard along with 'That money could be spent on a weeks accomodation in Thailand', which is becoming annoying to myself let alone Ryan.

The plan is to head to South East Asia first travelling through Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. We'll then head into China or across to India with a visit to Nepal inbetween those two. Then we'll return to Australia to finish off the parts we didn't get round to whilst living here, then to NZ, then over to South America working our way up to Central America, Mexico and all the way up to Canada. That's if our money hasn't run out by then...

Anyway this is just a test blog really and to let you know what our future plans are. I doubt we will update this until nearer the time of departure and when we are on the road. So until then, farewell.

Have a great 2008.

Jo (& Ryan)

Tags: the planning phase


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