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There are [10] photos and [2] stories about Cambodia

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Amazing Angkor

Sunday, 2 Aug 2009 | Views [2562] | Comments [2]

After a bout of travellers sickness for me, which added two extra rest days for us in the capital, we took the 4 hour bus ride west to Battambang, the second largest city in Cambodia. Although, from the size of it you would never believe it, it’s ... Read more >

Tags: angkor wat, battambang, phnom penh, siem reap

Crossing to Cambodia

Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Views [1672]

We started the day by catching a long tail boat for an hour across the Mekong in monsoonal rain. Upon arriving at the boat landing we had to make our way across five boats to get to shore, testing our balancing skills. When we had safely reached dry ... Read more >

Tags: choeung ek, killing fields, kratie, phnom penh, tuol sleng



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