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There and Back Again The continuing travels of me

May weekend

JAPAN | Monday, 20 April 2009 | Views [417]

I think there's something in my house making me sick, I had another bad night last night, but seem to be better today. It's time to throw out anything I ate yesterday that might possibly be contaminated. I think I'll stop using tap water as well, it looks a little cloudy. Pity coz I have some jelly left that I made on Friday. I brought 2 packets of Aeroplane jelly from home. I'll make the next one with bottled water.

Stayed home on Saturday and finished reading the second of 2 novels I bought on my way out of Thailand. They are huge epic stories and probably should have taken months, but my ocd kicked in and I had to commit myself to reading in every spare minute till I was done. It's a relief that I'm finished I have a lot of other stuff to do.

I made up a new poster for 'Flip' on the weekend, when i get screening information froom Palm Springs I'll have to get a couple printed to put up at the theater and in the press room at the festival.

You can open a low res PDF version at the bottom of the page if you go to www.fonetikfilms.com/flip

I went riding again on Sunday, you can take a look at the gallery. The weather is much warmer and while it was a bit chilly in the morning it started to get uncomfortably hot in the afternoon, even though I'd removed the warm lining from my bike jacket.

I went to Marcus's place later, turns out he was making chili fries again and Yumiko and Natalie (an ALT from Canada) came around. I didn't stay as it was going to be 8pm before they were ready to eat and by then the temperature was dropping rapidly. I left around 6:30 PM and was kicking myself for not bringing a bag with some warm gear.

Just going back a second, it was amusing to think that as Marcus pointed out, only in Japan would it be perfectly reasonable for a bunch of guys get together and ride their motorcycles to go see a field of pink flowers. It was nice and all, but a little odd if you think about it. As usual there were a couple of other stops, at a temple and a river.

I've 100% committed to finishing up with JET, it's a good feeling but at the same time I know it will be sad to say goodbye to the kids. I feel a bit sorry for leaving them but in the end I'm just an assistant who they see briefly each week and they'll get another one to replace me easily enough.



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