Sunday was a work day for me. We had a couple of shorter than usual classes in the morning and then there was the school 'marathon', which was only a 2.2 km run, but that's what they called it.
I took a bunch of photos, just a few are here. It was freezing cold (totemo sammui) and I had to go and get a heavier coat and gloves from my house. But the run went ok, the expected students won as usual.
After the run there was some kind of PTA meting that pretty m uch everyone but me went to. I spent the afternoon reading about the situation in India and Thailand - what is going on all of a sudden?
Monday was a hoilday in lieu of Sunday. I rode out to Ota, a nearby city with a shopping mall and cinema. I saw 'Dath Race' since it was the only english language movie on around the time I was there. I'm going back on Friday to see Wall-e with Marcus, anothe ALT in Kiryu.
I was in Tokyo on Saturday, I hung out with Marcus and some of his friends, we had dinner at TGI Fridays. They were celebrating Thanksgiving a few days late by having American food. It was pretty good, but I didn't get as worked up about it as they did. They were going on about the cheese, but I think American cheese is pretty bad.
Speaking of which I ran out of my Australian cheddar, but I found some NZ cheedar in Ota yesterday, plus Tim Tams. I never buy those at home, but I grabbed a packet of dark chocolate Tim Tams yesterday. And I got a small block of Cadbury's Old Gold on Saturday, I prefer Nestle, but it was good enough. I have to stop with the chocolate though, it's cold so all I want to do is stay inside and eat.
I will be riding out to Saitama-ken on Sunday though. Hiruma-san, the owner of the bikeshop where I get my bike serviced is doing his monthly ride with customers and friends. Should be fun.
Now I have to go to elementery school, it's exam time at JHS so there's very little to do, good thing I have the little kids to amuse for a couple of hours.