I have done around 300kms on the bike since Saturday afternoon, which considering the low speed limits here is quite a lot of riding.
I am starting to get back some confidence, unfortunately the helmet I ordered hasn't arrived yet, the shop owner loaned me his helmet till it turns up, but it's too big and is a distraction as it wobbles around. I bought a spare helmet, it's not full face and it's a bit cheap but it fits properly which is a lot safer as it doesn't shift when I move my head.
The other helmet should turn up soon, and when it does I'll have a spare in case anyone wants a ride someplace.
It is starting to get a bit cold though, so far I'm warm enough with the gear I have, but this weekend I'll look for a good armoured jacket and some more pants with insulation, the ones I have are water proof and have knee armour but they aren't warm.
On the weekend just past I volunteered at a pumpkin carving stand at a festival in Kiryu, it was kind of fun, very hot day though, after it was over I went for a realy long ride and found some very out of the way but picturesque places.
Tokyo again this coming weekend, it's the final days of the Tokyo International Film Festival so I want to get a few screenings, plus it's good to get a hotel room and sleep in an actual bed. I've got to do something about that sometime, I can't sleep on the floor forever.