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Definitely Out There

Trip: 'Round the World in 6 Months

There are [30] stories from my trip: 'Round the World in 6 Months


GERMANY | Wednesday, 17 Jul 2013 | Views [618] | Comments [1]

I met Anna in New Zealand, in a rather sleepy city called New Plymouth on the north island. Hailing from Germany, she'd been traveling for months (seven I think?). We'd spent a night drinking with a big group on the roof of the hostel, ... Read more >

Tags: friends, kids, summer camp

Germany to the Netherlands

NETHERLANDS | Saturday, 13 Jul 2013 | Views [496]

When you're by yourself there is no real sanity check. When I first  started traveling in February, I equated the open planning to jumping w ithout a chute. Since then I'd fallen into the habit of lining my  accommodations up immediately ... Read more >

Tags: bus, fortune, luck, park, preparation, train

The Party Scene

HUNGARY | Monday, 24 Jun 2013 | Views [3008]

On the train to Budapest I met two girls from Australia who where  headed towards Pamplona for the running of the bulls. I had totally  forgotten! A year ago I had started a list of festivals, events, etc I  should try to see if I ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, hostels, party, sex, train

Turkey Was Nuts

TURKEY | Tuesday, 18 Jun 2013 | Views [388]

Immediately upon hitting the ground I was headed out with two new  friends I'd met on the plane. Two Aussies, one of whom was headed to a  festival in Izmir. He even offered to let me tag along as his  plus-one. So in short order, ... Read more >

Tags: bus, change of plans, festival, plane

Stranded on the Delta

VIETNAM | Sunday, 26 May 2013 | Views [484]

While in Ho Chi Minh City, I met a fellow American named Rachel (from NC) who helped nudge me over a little boundary that had been holding me back most of my time in Asia. Every time I'd landed in a new country, I'd wound up spending all my time in the ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, culture shock, sketchy, travel

An American in Ho Chi Minh City

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 21 May 2013 | Views [393]

Landing in the airport of a foreign country for the first time is always a moment of disorientation. I'd been through Bali, Singapore, Thailand, but it seemed like Vietnam was something completely apart - a new kind of foreign-ness. Coming in to Ho Chi ... Read more >

Tags: culture shock, motorbike

Bangkok Blues

THAILAND | Tuesday, 14 May 2013 | Views [326]

Before getting on the plane to Thailand I begged every crew member not to let me on. Sniffling and coughing, trying to force my way through the language barrier, I'd explain just how bad an idea it was to trap 80 or so other people in an enclosed airspace ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, healthcare, sick

Singapore: My First City State

SINGAPORE | Monday, 6 May 2013 | Views [425]

I arrived in Singapore late at night. Catching one of the last trains from the airport, I was pleasently surprised to find it clean, comfortable, cheap and easy to navigate. Unfortunately upon exiting the train station, I found myself significantly more ... Read more >

Tags: city-state, cuisine, holy sites

Bali Magic

INDONESIA | Friday, 3 May 2013 | Views [901]

Bali's kind of a magical place, I thought to myself as I hurtled at frightening speed down the motorway one night. This thought threatened to be edged out by the realization of how precarious my continued good health was. Flip-flops, shorts and a tank ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, goodbyes, holy sites, memories, sunsets

Photos: Bali

INDONESIA | Friday, 3 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

The Bali leg of my RTW '13 trip
See all 34 photos >>

Climbing Mt Batur

INDONESIA | Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 | Views [2200]

It's been a busy few days in Bali. After getting back from Amed Cat and El settled down into some serious planning for El's remaining time in Bali. We spent a day going to Pura Tirta Empul, a water temple dating back to 926 AD. Located in ... Read more >

Tags: climbing, holy sites, trekking

Takin' it easy in Amed

INDONESIA | Sunday, 21 Apr 2013 | Views [452]

We spent the weekend in Amed, a sleepy little fishing village and vacation spot, for Camille's birthday. During the day we went snorkeling around a sunken Japanese wreck that had been turned into a reef. I've never snorkeled before, it was pretty ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, snorkeling

Bali's not that bad

INDONESIA | Saturday, 20 Apr 2013 | Views [426]

The flight from Darwin to Bali was short, but the transition was the greatest so far. I was finally going to leave 'white' culture and start seeing something... not necessarily radically different, but different nonetheless. I had heard lots of bad ... Read more >

Tags: on the road

Photos: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 17 Apr 2013 | Photo Gallery

The Australia leg of my RTW '13 trip
See all 18 photos >>

Crocs and Northern Territory Girls

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 15 Apr 2013 | Views [370]

Australia has just flown past - 3 weeks in 3 cities and it's already over. I spent the last week in Darwin with Allison and Mark, an amazing couple I met while traveling in South America. The Australians and the English and everybody else from ... Read more >

Melbourne seems like Portland to me

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 1 Apr 2013 | Views [1125]

I'm in Melbourne when it hits. Burnout. I've been traveling for 36 days, I've managed to burn through 5k, and in a desperate attempt to curb that dinner tonight is eggs, rice, salt and pepper. Melbourne's a different city than Sydney. ... Read more >

Feeling Manly in Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013 | Views [622]

Feeling very manly here... Sydney has been a rush. When I first came in I didn't think I was going to enjoy it too much - I'd been mainlining nature and now all of a sudden I'd have to switch gears to city life. It just seemed so abrupt.... Read more >

Tags: beer

Closing thoughts on New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 26 Mar 2013 | Views [419]

My time in New Zealand has come to a close. It's been a rush - I've covered just about every bit of coast on the South Island, shot through the north, and seen so much scenic, incredible, varied pieces of nature that I've become rather jaded.  ... Read more >

Tags: goodbyes, on the road

Working hard when there's beer involved

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 24 Mar 2013 | Views [1148]

It's been awhile, dear readers. For the past week and change Gabe and I have been WWOOFing at a brewery outside of New Plymouth called Mike's Organic Brewery (or mike's, according to the bottles). It's been a completely different experience ... Read more >

Tags: beer, on the road, wwoof

Photos: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 18 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

The New Zealand leg of my RTW '13 trip
See all 48 photos >>

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