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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "holy sites".

Singapore: My First City State

SINGAPORE | Monday, 6 May 2013 | Views [425]

I arrived in Singapore late at night. Catching one of the last trains from the airport, I was pleasently surprised to find it clean, comfortable, cheap and easy to navigate. Unfortunately upon exiting the train station, I found myself significantly more ... Read more >

Tags: city-state, cuisine, holy sites

Bali Magic

INDONESIA | Friday, 3 May 2013 | Views [901]

Bali's kind of a magical place, I thought to myself as I hurtled at frightening speed down the motorway one night. This thought threatened to be edged out by the realization of how precarious my continued good health was. Flip-flops, shorts and a tank ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, goodbyes, holy sites, memories, sunsets

Climbing Mt Batur

INDONESIA | Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 | Views [2200]

It's been a busy few days in Bali. After getting back from Amed Cat and El settled down into some serious planning for El's remaining time in Bali. We spent a day going to Pura Tirta Empul, a water temple dating back to 926 AD. Located in ... Read more >

Tags: climbing, holy sites, trekking

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