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Vignettes of a Lazy Traveller


There are [4] photos and [19] stories about Australia

Winter, get thee out of my underpants

Friday, 20 Aug 2010 | Views [568]

Winter, get thee out of my underpants For my bottom is so weary Of being cold Numbed by fickle wind That creeps under my doors Between my sheets To steal my hard-won warmth ... Read more >

Tags: bottom, cold, summer, toes, underpants, winter

Midnight Ratty wars.

Saturday, 14 Aug 2010 | Views [506]

She chased ratty off with a blackened poker she'd placed by her bed for precisely that purpose It had been crunching in the night trying to get at goodies behind loud plastic and rustling paper The. Little. Bastard. She had accepted the ... Read more >

Tags: poker, rapier, rat, ratty, soot, war

Little Owies

Monday, 19 Apr 2010 | Views [654]

i keep bumping things like couches with my little toes desk corners with my thighs and fingers with my car door little owies ow ow owies that make not a sound or a whimper until i am alone in bed and then they scream for a kiss ... Read more >

Tags: bruise, bumps, butter makes it better, kisses, lips too tight, misses, owies, pashing flu

Three Minutes

Tuesday, 9 Mar 2010 | Views [606]

I lost something of mine today Something I value. Something I know is now lost forever and I will never get back. If you paid me for it it would only be worth $2.40 on the open market. But it is worth so much more to me.  I didn't lose it because ... Read more >

Tags: clocks, losing three minutes, lost, minutes, new job, time, what is time worth?

A no-handed song in her heart

Wednesday, 26 Aug 2009 | Views [830] | Comments [4]

It is not a day for bicycles As she pedals downhill into a blustery headwind A coldness just off pinpricking snow Head down and hands burning But, on recollection T'was warm this morning Spring-like, even And with the wind behind ... Read more >

Tags: bicycle, no hands, wind

SciFi Speedo Torpedoes

Tuesday, 11 Aug 2009 | Views [592]

I stand in my room and pull on some slightly short white fishnet stockings over some other slightly shorter white opaque stockings. The cotton gussets overlap with a half inch gap and they still sit a good two inches below my crotch. mmm. attractive.... Read more >

Tags: boobs, glowsticks, speedo, torpedos

Coming home.

Wednesday, 1 Jul 2009 | Views [717] | Comments [2]

When is the right time to come home? For some people it is a year For others a month For my sister who went to Hawaii it was 2 days (I got a postcard that said "Hawaii is alright, but I miss my dogs. Oh yeah, and my boyfriend. I want to go ... Read more >

Tags: cat, coming home

Half of too much

Friday, 1 May 2009 | Views [501]

Sound advice from a tired friend: Its good to cover an eye she says as she sits and covers an eye, she says head down on the table cos she´s no longer able to make sense of it all cos she is muy cansada it´s too hard this, she says trying ... Read more >

Tags: eye, muy cansada

Life in the desert is hard, man

Sunday, 5 Apr 2009 | Views [2118] | Comments [3]

In the high heat of midday, very few living things in the desertic valley of Fiambala are stupid enough to out in the sun, let alone trying to get anywhere. The exception, of course, would be one mostly-lazy traveller who has decided to play "... Read more >

Tags: desert, ice, rocks, sand, sarong

Our Guide

Saturday, 21 Mar 2009 | Views [513] | Comments [4]

He´s got one leg longer than the other and only one eye. He is lean and smooth with minimal visible parasites. He is a happy-looking individual, silent, following no rules, eating when he can, swimming and drinking in the lake and seemingly unbothered ... Read more >

Tags: dog, el perro, guide, heladoria

So Orange

Wednesday, 4 Mar 2009 | Views [502]

I sit at a window in a surprise day of winter so close to summer and try not to think. But write, now, that is something different. The bars outside the window are white and glow in the sun. They are not bars to keep me in, but to keep thieves out.... Read more >

Tags: home, not thinking, orange, pancakes

My heart it speaks through my mouth

Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009 | Views [509]

I learnt to talk when I was almost three. My mother had to trick me into it, for I would simply point and flutter my eyelashes (she says) and it would be clear to all what I wanted. "What you want? Cabbage?" she'd say at the refrigerator ... Read more >

Tags: listen, milk, talk, words

Quiet is underrated

Saturday, 14 Feb 2009 | Views [502]

Quiet is underrated with a double r. A punctuation mark, if you will, between the coming and going, the speaking and fidgetting, singing and yelling, slamming of car doors, TV blaring and egg sizzling sentences that make up our days. A well-needed ... Read more >

Tags: punctuation, quiet, space, time out

Things seen from the 6th floor hospital window.

Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009 | Views [915] | Comments [2]

One might be forgiven for feeling like hospitals are depressing places. People are nervous What-is-happening-what will-happen-can-they-do-something? Everything is sterilsed to avoid ... Read more >

Tags: 6th floor, flowers, hospital, nurses, refreshment, sick

Too much Water in the North; Too much Fire in the South

Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Views [398] | Comments [1]

She watches disasters from the safety of her living room.  Too much water in the north Too much fire in the south She was just in the middle worrying about silly things. How blessed her life be. How small and yet precious it is to her. She ... Read more >

Looking for donations

Monday, 9 Feb 2009 | Views [794] | Comments [2]

As the latest friend calls up and speaks of how her lovely but stupid boyfriend just dumped her, I need to ask the question: Does the percentage chance of finding a reasonably commited beloved dramatically reduce with the relative happiness, health, ... Read more >

Tags: awesome, babies, jaded, procreation, single

A place I go

Wednesday, 4 Feb 2009 | Views [620] | Comments [1]

There's a place I go when all else fails To make me feel human I thank god it is close enough that my 1979 blue corolla called "Jenkins" has enough working parts to get me there. It has space and grass and weeds and sky and a wee ... Read more >

Tags: bogans, eagles, escape, nature, sanctuary, waterhole

Frogs are living in my Grandmothers septic.

Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Views [6102] | Comments [4]

My grandmother called this morning. She has had a stroke so I have to listen really hard to make out what she is saying. I have her punch-in-the-face black eyes when I'm tired and her olive skin. She thinks about a lot of things. She says "... Read more >

Tags: conversation, frogs, grandmothers, septic

Two times a crazy time

Friday, 30 Jan 2009 | Views [898] | Comments [1]

There are two extraordinarily loud clocks in my parents house. I can hear them both from "my" room. The room where the door doesn't shut properly. Correction, it can shut, but as I discovered the first night I stayed, it just won't ... Read more >

Tags: crazy, parents, postpone, trip, twos



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