Our route took us via Granada to the island of Ometepe in lake Nicaragua. Two majestic volcanos stick way out of the largest lake in Central America. We found the Hacienda Merida discribed by the Lonely Planet and spend two full days hanging out, hiking, sleeping, eating, swimming, meeting incredible people and NOT CYCLING for two entire days.
We had to endure the dust and rough road for 6km and decided to take the local "chicken bus" back to the ferry.
BUT, no such luck (too much work to strap the bikes on the roof and take all the gear off..), but lucky us: we beat the damn thing to the paved road, went around the island the other way in hopes to beat it to Moyogalpa where the ferry was leaving to San Jorge, BUT, we hit the dirt again (inspirte of three locals telling us the road was paved!!!! -WTF??) and it took us much longer. Well, anyways, all ok, we got there in time to take the ferry - dusty and a bit puzzled why the locals tell us something so untrue? We do understand Spanish well enough now that I can assure you, that misunderstanding wasn't the reason. How to incorporate a "different" way of thinking and relating?