The night at the caves of Cacahuamilpa
The night woke us up with thunder and lightning - the tent lit up like a christmas tree. I have to say, I was scared - especially when the thunder roared across the sky and all around. I was reminded of when I was a little girl and my father woke me up and took me outside on the balcony and made me look at the beauty of natures light show. I was contemplating to take my scared self out of the tent and onto the stage, but, I thought a little further and the idea of getting completely soaked (it poured in buckets) and crawling back in the tent really didn't appeal to me. - Point well taken, dear Daddy, that is all I have to say.
Oh, no, there was something else going on that night.......THE BADGER!!! Yes, a badger (we learned later from the care takers of the grounds...) took and ate not only our breakfast ( I already had cut up some yummy papaya), but our entire food supply. Opened the sippers of the panniers, lids and jars and ate away - gone, sip zero nothing left for us the next morning!
Neither of us heard a peep! During the thunder? Or after, or when?...... Another part of Mother Nature - might as well take it all in and marvel!