A long train ride to Agra (every train ride seems to take 12 hours here), but this time with Gita and Larrry made it easier, because I didn't have to chain up my backpack and worry about my stuff going to the bathroom, which is - you wouldn't think so - not as bad, because the squatting toilettes aren't too bad.........
In one of the stations some kids came up to the window begging and I gave them some crackers and cookies. On the way out, I saw them in some corner enjoying and sharing their goodies and when they saw me peeking out the window, they all got up, jumping up and down, lauhing and waving at me. It was a joyfull sight in all this dirt and misery.
The Taj is TRUELY AMAZING- got myself a guide, like a real tourist ( I am a real tourist!!!) Spent a couple of hours in and around this Mausoleum. A sign for a devotion of love.
Sha Johan had it build for his 3rd wife Mumatz Mahal (Taj means crown and Mahal means Palace), who died at 39 y.o. giving birth to their 14th child. (of which only 4 kids stayed alive).
After the guide had finished his stories and answered my questions (and - man- did he leave fast after I payed him............)I stayed and just wandered around in true awe of how this place feels in spite of all the people.