The road led us inland for a while and it got hot and humid. The more direct rout was along the beach, but we had given up to find a boat across the bay. Considering the many ghostly and deserted places, the roads are in very good shape. Once we got back near the ocean we looked around and found a little beach lodge run by a swiss guy and his ecuadorian wife and family.

Home for my birthday! I got my first Piña Colada
as a present and Benno's (the swiss guy) mom made me a birthday pie with some local fruit I have never tasted before. Delish!!
We had a swimming pool, clean showers and bathrooms and a lawn to put our tent! We had the place basically for ourselves....only the ocean played it's song.
Now that I am as old as dirt I can say that I am proud to be alive and well and on the road living my dreams. Forty-five years old - gosh darn it!!!!