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A Kiwi in Kenya My adventure volunteering in Kenya 2012

Trip: Kenyan Adventure

There are [26] stories from my trip: Kenyan Adventure


KENYA | Monday, 31 Dec 2012 | Views [424] | Comments [3]

It has been one week since I arrived back in Sydney and each day I miss Kenya more. I see the children’s faces in my mind all the time and wish I could be back with them. The other night I couldn’t sleep – jetlag has hit quite hard ... Read more >

Asante Kenya

KENYA | Sunday, 23 Dec 2012 | Views [544]

It is my last night in Kenya. Tomorrow I go back to Australia and back to what I knew before I left on this big adventure but I like to think I’m not going back as the same person. Ok, maybe I’m still the crazy Kiwi who loves to sing and ... Read more >

The End is Nigh

KENYA | Friday, 21 Dec 2012 | Views [465]

3 sleeps to go. That sux. It has mostly been a beautiful week. I say mostly because I got sick on Friday night (my stomach decided to evacuate all contents by all means possible and it was not pretty!) so I missed the wedding on Saturday although I did ... Read more >

Week 6

KENYA | Sunday, 16 Dec 2012 | Views [426]

I can’t believe I have only 8 days left here :-( I have really gotten used to it all, even travelling in matatus, which is something I never thought I would say. I love where I’m staying, I have made wonderful friends, I have met phenomenal ... Read more >

Donations Shopping and Mandazi

KENYA | Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012 | Views [488]

It turns out my mother is an angel. She has been reading my blog and has listened to me talk about the orphanages and wants to help so has made quite a big donation. I told Lucy tonight and she cried, and so did I. I have read a profile on Children’... Read more >

All You Need Is Love

KENYA | Sunday, 9 Dec 2012 | Views [477]

You know, I really feel like I’m doing what I hoped when I first decided to come to Kenya. Although it was great at the school there didn’t seem to be as much opportunity to create relationships with children or adults as classes were only ... Read more >

Children's Trials

KENYA | Friday, 7 Dec 2012 | Views [464]

It has been an amazing, sad and inspiring couple of days. We were up and raring to go on Tuesday morning, looking forward to seeing the beautiful children of Hope Home once again. We brought more supplies with us today donated by friends of Karen’... Read more >

Gathiga Children's Hope Home

KENYA | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2012 | Views [1512]

Lucy is an amazing woman. I have incredible respect for her, for what she has done and for what she continues to do. Children’s lives have been changed for the better because of her. Many would have died if she had not taken them in and to the ... Read more >

New Beginnings

KENYA | Tuesday, 4 Dec 2012 | Views [390]

I guess things are always sad at the end and so it was saying goodbye to my Mlolongo family and to Caitlyn. Friday afternoon, Caitlyn, Ann and I went into Nairobi to take Geraldine and Joseph to lunch. We went to Pizza Inn as both Caitlyn and I were ... Read more >

Changes and Presents

KENYA | Friday, 30 Nov 2012 | Views [1228]

I’ve been here for 4 weeks already! Seriously, it has been 4 weeks and I only have 3 weeks left. How did that happen; I’m only just getting settled in! School has finished for the year so I’m off to another placement, which means I’... Read more >

Bits 'n' Pieces

KENYA | Sunday, 25 Nov 2012 | Views [1338]

There are some interesting (well, in my opinion anyway) features about my life in Kenya that might interest you too. 1. We go to Connections a lot from you may have gathered, it’s our local and I pretty much always order Fanta, except for the ... Read more >

Safari Part II

KENYA | Friday, 23 Nov 2012 | Views [502]

Day 3 The mosquitos got me! Well at least I think they’re mosquito bites. Itchy as hell and driving me batty, oh well, no malaria or dengue fever yet so that’s a good sign. We were all up early for a cup of tea at 6am then off for our ... Read more >


KENYA | Friday, 23 Nov 2012 | Views [407]

Best four days ever! Loved practically every second of the trip. Ok, from the beginning. Up stupid early again (5:20am), taken into Nairobi by Joseph (saint of a man), met Katie at Java for early morning coffee and danish then picked up by rep from ... Read more >

The Week That Was

KENYA | Thursday, 22 Nov 2012 | Views [481]

Wow, I’m really getting behind aren’t I? Ok, time to catch you all up on what happened last week. Monday was a crazy busy day with 6 classes. Caitlyn and I had 3 classes together and 3 on our own. I had been given a PE class (gasp from ... Read more >

Musings and Observations

KENYA | Thursday, 15 Nov 2012 | Views [574] | Comments [1]

It occurs to me that I have done a lot of writing about what I have done but not a lot about what I have seen or felt. So here we go:   Safety and Keeping Well I read that Nairobi – ‘fondly’ know as Nairobbery –... Read more >

Party party party!

KENYA | Thursday, 15 Nov 2012 | Views [532]

Short post time... The weekend of Caitlyn’s birthday arrived! The boys collected us from our homestay early Saturday afternoon (they live literally around the corner) and we were off into the city on a matatu – mini van that serves as ... Read more >


KENYA | Tuesday, 13 Nov 2012 | Views [586]

I don’t think I was entirely prepared for what these next two days would hold when I got up stupid early on Thursday morning. Caitlyn and I were taken by Joseph into Junction (a mall in the city) to meet the NVS crew who were taking us on outreach ... Read more >

English, pancakes and dancing

KENYA | Saturday, 10 Nov 2012 | Views [413] | Comments [2]

Wednesday was to be our last day at school for the week as we were going on an outreach program on Thursday and Friday. We walked out of the compound and up the rocky path when Caitlyn said “It’s already 10 past 8, shall we just get a matatu ... Read more >

School Days

KENYA | Saturday, 10 Nov 2012 | Views [395]

Monday morning and time for school. We were told there was an assembly at 8am so we aimed to get there then; packed our lunch, took whatever we thought we’d need and we were off about 7:50am. I know we went there on Friday but I really don’... Read more >

Photos: Kenya

KENYA | Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012 | Photo Gallery

Adventures volunteering in Kenya
See all 55 photos >>

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