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A Kiwi in Kenya My adventure volunteering in Kenya 2012

Trip: Kenyan Adventure

There are [26] stories from my trip: Kenyan Adventure

It's the Weekend!

KENYA | Tuesday, 6 Nov 2012 | Views [631]

The plan was to head into Nairobi with Joseph and Geraldine then go to the Giraffe Centre, catch up with Caitlyn’s friends and come back. Good, yes, ready. We finally left the house about 12pm (I guess there’s no hurry on a Saturday morning) ... Read more >


KENYA | Monday, 5 Nov 2012 | Views [1856]

Woke up quite excited today as we were going to head to the school and find out what we are going to be doing for the next 3-4 weeks. We had breakfast, which consisted of chai (very milky tea which is not that much like the gumboot tea I’m used ... Read more >


KENYA | Sunday, 4 Nov 2012 | Views [457]

So Thursday started nice and early thanks to an over-enthusiastic rooster at the back of the house (we’re planning a safari to hunt it very soon). After a baby-wipe shower it was breakfast time, which was toast and eggs, very western. We were to ... Read more >

Come fly with me...

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Friday, 2 Nov 2012 | Views [475]

So the long, long and did I mention long, journey started with the first flight to Dubai at 6am Sydney time. I met up with Jim at the airport who is also volunteering in Kenya so we chatted a bit then boarded the big Emirates bird and we were off! ... Read more >

T-minus 16 hours!

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012 | Views [434]

Less than a day to go. Am I nervous, excited and all the emotions in between? Hell yes!  I think I'm fairly ready, I have everything I need (or at least I think I do), am being picked up by the airport shuttle at stupid o'clock, have checked-... Read more >

Waiting waiting wating

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 28 Oct 2012 | Views [331]

Insect repellent, check; sunscreen, check, malaria tablets, check; pharmacy for all known and unknown ills, check; all material possessions required, check; heart palpatations, check; butterflies in tummy, check. Yep, I think that's everything. ... Read more >

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