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A Kiwi in Kenya My adventure volunteering in Kenya 2012


KENYA | Sunday, 4 November 2012 | Views [458]

One of the volunteers at Pastor Regina's house with the kitty and its unbelievably small companion.

One of the volunteers at Pastor Regina's house with the kitty and its unbelievably small companion.

So Thursday started nice and early thanks to an over-enthusiastic rooster at the back of the house (we’re planning a safari to hunt it very soon). After a baby-wipe shower it was breakfast time, which was toast and eggs, very western. We were to be picked up and taken to orientation but in the meantime there were a couple of gorgeous kittens that clearly needed some cuddling. I haven’t had my rabies shot so I was told to stay away from all animals but I CAN’T! Besides, kitty looked very healthy, wasn’t foaming at the mouth and obviously belonged to the family so it received lots of cuddles. His/her companion was another little kitten (unfathomably small in fact) who wasn’t swayed by anyone’s sweet talk and ran away anytime we got near it but it still hovered close.

Anyway, we were picked up and taken to orientation at a big school/academy where we met other volunteers and were introduced to the NVS (Network for Volunteer Services) staff. We were told all sorts of useful information, had morning tea, I found out my placement (Mlolongo Primary School), finally (!), we met in our placement groups where I met Caitlyn who was also going to Mlolongo with me, had lunch (I am now addicted to manzani- little sweet donuts), packed our things and headed off in our designated vans to our placements. We were supposed to head to a shopping mall but it didn’t seem as if our drivers knew that so when we asked we were taken to a supermarket which didn’t go down well with some. After much discussion it was decided we would go all the way to Maasiland with the other volunteers so we could go to a mall on the way there. Had we known how long it would actually take to get there and back we may have just gone straight to our homestay!

So, finally got my SIM card and Internet stick (ah, technology, I love you), some water and chocolate and were on our way. Another volunteer who was with us was getting rather agitated as he wasn’t sure where he was going but wanted to be in Nairobi itself. He phoned the office and was particularly annoyed when it wasn’t sorted immediately. Uh oh, tension.

With that and the annoyance of some at not going to the mall originally promised we were all pretty quiet on the way to Maasiland to drop off Jim, Mia and Mac. It was in the middle of nowhere I tell you! Rather them than me. It took ages to get back so I ended up falling asleep on the way. I woke up to find us driving right across the motorway, onto the medium strip, across that and onto the other side then off to a side road that would take us to our homestay. Oh well, I guess that’s how it’s done.

We finally arrived at the homestay, which is lovely. It is in a gated community so it safe and clean and tidy. Our homestay parents are pastors, Geraldine and Joseph and, joy of joys, their house has a flushing toilet and…wait for it…a hot shower! Woo hoo!!! Couldn’t be happier! We took our things to our room (two bunks beds), had dinner, a hot shower J and fell into bed for a well-deserved sleep.

Lala Salama

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