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Hello hangover

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 27 December 2012 | Views [509]

OOOOWWWWWWW!! My head hurts... I think I'm still drunk, and I've had maybe 4hours sleep.. GAAAH, gotta get to the embassy... I fiddle around the room, everyone else is still tucked away in bed.. Man I just wana jump on them to wake them! hahaha its not even late, its 12:30, so I still have time.. I shower, dress and make my way over to the train station. As I'm buying my ticket I realise I don't have the recipt for my passport- Even though I'm still using the same bag, I think I took it out before I went out drinking, it has to be in the room...

Its not. S*&$! Its nowhere, its close to 2 and I'm not on the train. Janelle has woken up by this point and recommends that I print off my passport page that I have stored on my email- Great idea. The printer in the common room doesn't work. I go next door. After a lifetime its done and I'm on my way- I remember the number I had been given so I'm hopeful that it'll be ok.. But at the same time I can see them saying I'd have to wait till the end of the day which would waste my day! hhhmm. I get to KLCC station, and hobble down the road to the embassy, and my GOD its hot, and my foot is killing me.. I pass the Aussie guy i was talking to yesterday and he was in and out in a flash, not half as bad as queing as yesterday... When I get there I just had to que along the side of the wall, perhaps for 10mins.. I get to the free window and I'm thinking uuuuuhhh ohhhh... I tell her I don't have the ticket, but i remember the number.. And she just hands over my passport. PHEW! That was easy...

I head back towards town and decided I won't waste the day and no matter how hungover I feel, sleepy and sick I'm going sightseeing damn it! I pass maccers, uuuurrgh I just can't get away and yep, I'm ordering.. CURLY FRIES!! OOH yeh, and a fanta, need the sugar, and chips is all i can manage.. Couldn't even finish them which isn't like me... I head to the Patronas, and I'm hoping I can still get a ticket. Apparently they sell super fast each day and you gotta get up early and get one (damn it) I try but my luck, but no full for the day, and Its my last day..

I end up walking to the Menora tower which is very simular to the sky tower in Auckland.. I love it. Its a big walk, but even though my foot hurts I'm enjoying the excerise and the fresh air- but maaan its hot! Once I get there you go straight up the lift and your there.. Its lovely and I can see the towers and its even better than I thought... I can even make out where I'm staying.. Its really nice, but its time to go I'm hungry and sleepy. Once I get down to the bottom it is pouring with rain. Great, I'm in a dress and it'll get drenched. I grab some food, a drink and sit it out.. Eventually I make a dash for it, but the cheeky cba drivers are asking for 80R to Sentral. I need to get there to book my train ticket back to Thailand for tomorrow! I end up asking a British couple if they wanted to share a cab and they do.. They're really nice, living here, teaching. Sounds awesome. I'd like to move here and teach its lovely.. I LOVE KL! We exchange emails and I'm here.

No trains. No buses back to Thailand till New Years Day. SHIT! I wana be back in Phuket to Geoff for NY! uuuuuuurrrrh! I dont' mind too much staying over the weekend, even though I did want to get back to Phuket ASAP for this job.. CRAP. I get back to the hostel and there is just no soultion. I have to fly. Its $80 on the monday (NYE) Which actually isn't too bad.. Fri/Sat/Sun I was looking at a couple of hundred.. Its not that bad, but I'd rather spend less and not fly cos my bag is waaay to heavy for a flight. I book with Malaysia airline who permit me 20KGS. Lets just hope its near enough, but I'm thinking i may buy another bag and stuff as much as poss and use that has hand luggage.

Anway, its Janelles last night, and we have some drinks/a sing song on the roof.. Its nice, but Ash is turning into a douche when he's drunk, he gets very pushy, rude, persistant and just annoying to be around. Ash decideds that its time we go out, but neither Janelle, Aaron or I can be bothered. So we stay. Aarons off to bed, Janelle and I grab a beer and some food and decided we'll have a girlie chat upstairs.. When we're getting our things together to go sit upstairs Ash comes in, askes us again if Janelle and I are coming, and when we say no we're called "sluts" and he storms off?! Really, wtf? I just don't think he likes it when people don't do what he wants. Anyway, we go upstairs enjoy our noodles and beer chat with American Dion who's looooovely and we hit the sac... 2nd day and again I'm crawling into bed at 6am....

Tags: curly fries, flight, hangover, menora, patronas, walking

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