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Today is the DAY.... KL baby!!!!

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 26 December 2012 | Views [614]

AAAAHHHHH!!! I'm so excited that its TODAY!!

I have a quick viber chat with mum, dad and my BRUUUU which was a lovely way to start the day, esp cos it is Christmas.. But it wasn't for long, cos I didn't want to miss my train.

I get downstairs to get my bond back, and the lady is nowhere to be seen.. uuuhhh oh.. After confusing 1 of the other ladys about it, she appears and hands me an envelope:) So I'm on my way... I get to the station and get my ticket... Train should be in 20mins... YYAAAAY! A guy asks me where I'm going, and tell him Haad Yai/KL.. "Oh your on the same train as me".. uumm, ok?? He says its not the next train, but the next... As the 1st train leaves he says "oooh nooo, It was the right train..." uuuuuurrrrrgh!! Missed the train!!!!! Go up to the counter and have to pay another (more expensive) 30B ticket.. The guy felt so bad he gave me 20B back and wouldn't take no for an answer.. Bless him.. The next train was another 30hr away, so it wasn't too bad...

Once the train arrives I just race to get on, I'M JUST TOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Get a window seat, and we're off.. Apparently its 2hrs.. The ticket inspecter comes on and I ask him to let me know where we get to Haad Yai...

On the way there are loads of people walking cows? like dogs, it was so bizzare!!! hahhaa.. I'm so greatful for this extra food, cos I didn't have brekkie... I end up feeling quite sleepy...

Just before I could get compy I get told HY is the next stop, YEEEESS!! 20 mins... I perk up a bit.

We get to the station, and instantly I'm harrassed about buses to Malaysia, they must be used to us ferang coming here to get over the boarder. I ask in Thai how much a bus would cost- 600B!! hahaha NO! I get up to the ticket office for the train, and the train is in 5hours, but its costing 140B.. Thats a bit better, and I can even leave my bag in storage for 60B.. I keep my computer on me and decided to find some coffee and wifi...

Haad Yai is MUCH bigger than Phatthalung, its a small city.. Didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this, it was really nice. Busy with markets and really tall buildings... I find a coffee shop and get a coffee in just as it starts raining... Lucky.. I sit there for about an hour people watching and reading emails.. The wifi wasn't that good, so i decided to find a internet cafe and plot there for a bit.. Its raining, my bag is heavy and there is no point checking out the beaches and caves cos its just not the right weather for it... never mind.. in the internet cafe for a bit, send my emails, upload some photos.. Then its about and 1hr before the train is due to leave.. So i head back, bump into 2 Sweedish lads walking around and stop for a chat about getting into Malaysia.. They're getting the bus, which i think is daft, but they have to get there quicker apparently.. its 15hrs on the train, and i think 7 in a bus.. So for me its better cos i don't want to get to KL before 6am when i have to check in, otherwise i'd have to sleep in the train station...

I get my bag back and head to the platform.. The train is tiny- 2 carrages... I notice that there is sitting and beds.. I don't know what i got, its all in Thai?!

After waiting for about 30mins we can get one... eeeeee!! I decided to try my luck and jump into a bed... its quite comfy and i can keep my bag at the end with my legs ontop- for some reason I have internet and i'm whatsapp-ing till i find that I'm dozing off.. I pull the curtains and hope that I'm not moved... After a little while, we start moving- OOOOHHHH YEEEEAAAH, got me a bed....

Just as I'm getting sleepyer.... I get an nagry woman with folded arms glaring at me, shouting that I'm in her bed!! hahahaha, oooooops.. I'm told that I'm in the back- the seats.. uuuhhh ohhh, 15hrs in a chair, CRIPES! I think to myself, its ok girl, you've done 2days in a coach back in Aus, this is a dodle, as long as no1 is next to me....

After taking my bags down the carrage there is someone in my chair? And the ticket master moves a girls boyfriend off my seat, and I say to them its no problem i'll sit where ever and stay here.. The ticket master isn't having it, and the poor guy is moved.. I sit down.. hhhmm compfy!!! spacesous, ahh this is ok... The girl and I start having a little chat and she speaks perfect English and I'm enjoying her company.. She's getting off next stop which is the boarder crossing and its only an 1hr away... I ask her of things I can do in KL and show her my little list of things I want to see, and she gives some advice, and its making me more and more exctited!!!!

Once we arrive at the next stop, we ALL have to get off the train to go through immigration/customs at the Malaysian boarder... Uuuurrrgh.. gotta carry my bag off... We wait in a line and i have to fill out my departure card from Thailand, the que goes very fast and I'm stamped out of Thailand... I walk around the corner and come to the Malaysian boarder, stamped in.. Bag searched... They were really nice and i was getting quick tips on please and thankyou in Malay.... They wave me off and its back to the platform via the stop- I need water, and I'm hoping that even though I'm in Malaysia I can still use Bhat, seeing as muggins here forgot to buy water, and also change a bit of cash.. Lucky for me they do, and I get some water and head down to the platform.

The train comes in a short time, and we're back on board, no1 is next to me!!!!! I read my book, listen to music and have a doze.. I wake up and its dark, I have no idea where we are, but its late and I drop a valium to help me sleep throuh the night- walk around the train to strech my legs and get back to my seat, which i can lie down, get my sleeping bag out cos the air con IS SO COOOLD! So greatful I have it, AND a pillow!!!!!!

TAP TAP, uuurrrgh I take my ear plugs out and my eye mask- There is a cleaner tapping me on the shoulder.. I'm here, I'm in KL.. OMG I'm sooooo groggy from the Valium!!!

I get up the platform and work out that i can get the train 1 stop to my hostel.. Awesome.. Sentral station is huge and its so clean, and organised? haha.. Coming from Thailand to this is bizzare.. I get my train token, which is like a plastic blue casino chip and i get on the train that comes straight away... Oooh i'm enjoying this! ahaha.. Arriving at the station I'm not sure how far the hostel is, and ask a cab driver, he doesn't know but he's happy to drive around for find it... After about 10mins of driving around in a circle we find it.. OPPOSITE THE BLOODY TRAIN STATION- 100METRES!!! Geeze, I give him 15R, not sure how much it is, but seems reasonable...

There is no-one here, its 6AM and they know i'm checking in at this time, I confirmed it!! S*&t! I'm on the streets, and I have no where to go, I need to get to the embassy by 9 and I would like to shower... uuuurrrrrrgh... Its 7am and still nothing!!! A couple come by and i ask them if they wouldn't mind watching my bag while i phone them, nothing. By this point I'm told that they don't open till 12am.. WTF! uuuurrrrgh...

Lucky for me the guy had gone next door as they were open to ask if they had room, cos him and his GF didn't make a booking and nothing- but I go upstairs to them to ask about next door... I get there and a guy said oh thats not normal?? Why don't you leave your stuff here, have a shower, coffee and go to the Embassy and come back, then check it, they'll be open by then... I'm gobsmacked at how nice people are being... He makes me a coffee and I go back to collect my bag, thank the couple and head back upstairs.. I have a little chat with his family and they all speak perfect English! I have a shower, get ready and thank the guy again and tell them I'll be back straight away.... How kind ay?! This is nicer than Thailand.. I like this place.... :)

I head to the station, and its only 5 stops to KLCC and a bit of a walk... I get there, and YYYAAAAY the Patronas towers, BIGGEST smile on my face.. but my foot hurts and i decided to get a cab.. Its a short drive, and I'm glad to be there as there is already a little que forming. After about a 15min wait, we get signed in, given a form and wait till the main doors open... I sit down, start talking to an Aussie guy about Aus and Thailand, the usual.. and I realise I HAVE NO CASH ON ME!!! Sugar, they don't take visa, and I have to make a dash to the ATM.. Which was just a 5min walk, luckily... I get back, the doors are open and already there is a big wait?! uurrrgh.. I get my ticket 2057- we're on 2011.. LONG WAIT.. It actually didn't take to long.. I get to the desk, give them my form, photos (which i was glad that i already had from my first visa) and my cash, and that was that... Done, easy.. I'm told to come back tomorrow and 14:30.. Took all of an hour! SO I have the rest of the day to explore!!!

I get back to the hostel, and they're open, I get there and ask why they weren't open.. and explained that I was waiting for reception and apparently they had no idea I was coming that early?! uuurrrgh, its done now, and I was lucky and SO greatful that next door looked after me, that I wish I didn't check in with this place in the first place! They're rude and stand off-ish, but never mind... I grab my stuff, thank them and head back to my hostel. Check in, shown the dorm and its full of Asian men, it smells and I think I'm the only chick.. hhhmmmmm.. Beds comfy and then a chick walks in.. Shes from Canada and called Janelle, funny that I have a friend from Canada called Janelle!!hahaha.. There are also 2 guys in the room from Canada too, so its not so bad, say hello to them... so at least there is people to talk to! I say to Janelle that we should go for a drink later....

I get ready and decided to head to Bathu Caves.. (Bathu caves is a Hindu temple, and as I'm obessed with India its a must soo/do)

I'm not here long so there is no time to waste!! I get the train 1 stop to the main Sentral station (kinda like waterloo/kings x... a station where you get trains either inland or outta city) I get my ticket, its a 20min ride.. I grab a sandwhich and a drink and get on the platform..

What's bizzare is that there are signs for "lady only carradges" and I remember this is a Muslim country (haha?!) And that's kinda cool in a wierd way.. I get on the train and fall asleep (DAMN valium! haha) I get woken up by another cleaner and i'm lucky the caves were the last stop....

I grab a coffee, bump into an Italian guy and we start having a little chat as we walk round to the caves, he's even lived in London... He was nice, but i loose him quickly as my eyes dart towards all the market stalls.. Its like being back in India, its awesome, the smells, people.. :) I even find HENNA!! oooh yeh! I decided to get some once i come down... Walking up the stairs was a challenge (272 STEEP STEPS), man i am unfit.. Bump into the Italian guy again and we walk round these huge caves checking out the shrines- OOOH THIS IS AWESOME!! I need to get back to India.. As I'm walking down the view is just awesome and the massive golden Murugan statue which is about 100M and the tallest Murugan statue in the world... Its just awesome.

I get down and decided on some lunch... Curry, awesome, not had a good curry in awhile, and its served to me on a banana leaf! The guy was so Indian and would hover around me, smiling all the time.. I pay, leave a tip and run towards the henna.. As I'm getting it done there are 2 woman there getting it done, and we start talking, they're awesome- 1 girl is a local, but Indian she's only 23! And I'm enjoying the company. The other woman is here from the Carrabian here on business and the other girl is showing her around, like a tour guide... They're lovely... We all sit there getting our henna, and waiting for it to dry- I get my hand AND foot done! OOOH yeh- I ask them both if I could join them on the train back "ohhh please do, that would be lovely!" After she BUYS my ticket for me !!! (Why is everyone so NICE, even though it is only 1R, 10B, nothing..) we get on the train and chat some more- the other lady who's here on business is all expenses paid, buiness class and all is only here for a few more days and they invite me to a night club on the saturday which i can't accept as I had to cut the trip short as I may have this job in Phuket... :( Once we get back to Sentral station we say our good byes and I'm on my way to "Little India" a small place in town which like the title, is Little India.. By this point, my foot is killing me, i can barely walk? It doesn't stop me and i walk around for ages, it was just like being back in India- I'm glad I pushed through.. But I am in serious pain so I decided to head back to the hostel, its nearly 7Pm, I was at the temple for 4hours!! And I wouldn't mind seeing whats happening tonight... I get some jandles and they do feel tons better, still very sore and stiff mind...

After little India I jump on the free purple line that drives around the city- I wana see it at night and especailly the Patronas towers, they're just awesome.. I get off the bus and have a little walk and there they are lit up, it was magical.. End up walking inside which led to a HUGE shopping mall, never seen something so big before! It was crazy, they even have Topshop! I can't handle the lights anymore and find myself out side behind the towers but infront of lake which has fountains going all lit up it was very pretty and people would just sit around and watch them.. What I liked was seeing the reflection of the towers in the bulidings surrounding them.. By now its getting late, and I wana get back...

Once i get back to the hostel I'm heading to reception as Janelle isn't around- So that I can upload my pics, when I'm stopped at the stairs by an English guy who says if i'm up for a few drinks tonight, on the roof, then maybe to a bar- He's just heading 7/11 for some vodka.. OH yeh.. I go with him and we go halfs on a bottle.. He's from London, bit older think late 30's but friendly, he definately is a player and tells me he lives in Barcelona... There it is.. hahaha.. We get back, go upto this roof top that I had no idea EXSISTED.. and start drinking.. A woman from Barcelona joins us, and we get chatting about the usual traveller things- She tells me shes going to Langkawi (an Island in Malayisa, quite close to Thailand) And we get chatting how I just had a friend going there, and he said to was awesome... Its getting late, and Ash and I decided its getting late, we're drunk and we should head to the Reggaee bar- We say our goodbyes and head over....

When we get there the Candian guys are there, Janelle and a few others.. We're all drunk at this point and start chatting away, I get jugs to myself and drink from them which everyone though was hilarious- I'm just saving money and washing up?! We have a dance and I'm having my photo taken with all these Asian Men? whyy i don't know, but I'm kindy saved by 1 of the Candian guys (I find out later they are twins, didn't get it at first as 1 of them as a massive beard!! ahaha)

We move onto the famous raggaee mansion hostel which has a roof top bar over looking the city and has a reputation in KL as the "place to party"...

Get there, it isn't late, but its dead.. ahhh i don't care, I'm drunk, haven't been since Koh Phangan and I'm enjoying everyones company.. We have a little dance all of us, then we head home at around 3 when we're kicked out... We head back to our hostel and drink on the roof.. We're joined by a random American girl who is off her face drunk, but awesome and me an her immidently get on... Apparently none of the others were that fond tho?! Anyway... Before we know it its day light.. We've been drinking for far too long and people are getting up for brekkie... Aaron (1of the twins) and the chick decided then to run around on the roof, and by then we're TOO drunk, and its bed time... and UUUUHHH I HAVE TO GET MY VISA AT 14:30 which gives me 4hrs of sleep till my alarm goes off.. UUHHH OOH.. We all stumble into bed and I get off to sleep, thinking "shit, i gotta be up soon to get my passport" But what an awesome first day, I LOVE KL........

Tags: cows, drunk, jugs, kuala lumpur, leaving, roof top, train, waiting

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