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New Beginnings...

Rain rain go away, come again NEVERRR

THAILAND | Saturday, 22 December 2012 | Views [365]

Having 4 days off sucks. I should of gone in yesterday...GAAAH! Its made even worse by the constant rain... 

Good start to the day however when I receive a responce from a job in Phuket- Kindergarden teacher!! They have 2 staff leaving and are wanting to fill the positions. I emailed themmy CV and I'm praying that they won't want me to have a degree!! Fingers crossed, would be a great start to the new year!!! A job in Kindy, in Phuket and making betweem 30-50,000 thb a month.. ooooh please let my luck turn around...

After school on Thursday Douche and I go into a bank to open up an account.. He of course is all high and mighty cos he's tied before and you have to provide a work permit in order to have a bank account here in Thailand, so I'm doubtful but also at the same time we were told by teacher that he has sent other teachers to this bank and they've allowed it before so I think it'll be fine...

Low and behold we have an account- after 2hours... Afterwards I decided its time to get a new phone, android.. Its Christmas and I feel the urge to splash :-)

On Monday I don't have many classes as the Monks are here to talk with the older kids, so that makes me happy.. I'm off to KL tomorrow, and already to holiday mode!!!!

The day was pretty easy, and I spend most of the day reading... At the end of the day, we're on the bike going through the school, and all the school was there, waving us goodbye as they know we've finished for the month, and it was so lovely- cheering us.. It was quite funny... I'll never forget it.:)

On Christmas eve, douche bag and I got invited to go to mass by one of the Catholic teachers.. Now I'm not religious but I thought it would be enjoyable and interesting to see how the Thai's would do this.. Douche bags responce.. "why are YOU of all people comine.. you don't LIKE Christmas.." Geeze will this guy ever leave off?!?!!?!

We arrange to meet down stairs at 18:30, at 18:30 I come downstairs, he's not there.. Knock on the door.. No answer.. So I decided to walk over there.. And yep, he's already there, didn't even wait for me! UUUURRRGHHH.. WHHHYY?? LOL

When we arrive its at a small hall, and I start helping the ladies bring out plates for the feed.. Help with the raffle and then we start mass. It was really nice, all in Thai and I didn't even think of this?! It was strange hearing hymns in Thai.. They did do some in English.. The group was small and they were all so welcoming.. It was a really nice evening. The feed was AWESOME.. Even though its not what we'd have for Christmas dinner it was all handmade and it was yummy, they given were encouraging us to take some away- which was awesome for me seeing as I'm getting on the train tomorrow... There was a lovely woman there who lives in America, but now lives in Thailand, and she's originally from Cambodia, perfect English she was just a doll! Loved chatting with her, she even had an American accent! She was telling us that there are 50 ferang in the town, I've seen 3.. and she tells us of a spot where we can meet these 50 or so ferangs.. So we decided to check this out after we finish here... We play a few games, win a few prizes and that was pretty much the end of the night.

Before we head home though we light lanterns, and it was just magical, made a wish and all!! It was a nice way to end the night, and my first time lighting one and watching it trail upwards:):):):)

We get back, change and head out. Can't find anything, it is quite late and it appears everything is closed? We walk around for ages.. So we stop in 7/11 grab a few drinks.. douche gets this rice wine, which is just fowl, its like goon.... I say to him hey, that stuff isn't that nice, just to let you know.. and he's like "ahh its fine, its cider.." I say it isn't and again, full blown lecture about how its cider.. Ok, whatever, I've had it before and googled what it was... He can't finish it, and ends up quite drunk.. light weight... After ages of walking we get nowhere.. As we cross this road to another bar, I start walking out into the road and he starts yelling.. "what on earth are you doin?!?!?!? Why are you crossing the road when there's A scooter in the way".. A scooter! A, singular, 1 scooter, and a HUGE road, like I'm stupid and can't see that its at least 20M away from me and won't hit me.. FFS! By this point I'm over him and its time to tell him.. I can't remember what I said, but it was just along the lines of, why everytime i do something does he have to critise and be-little me.. He's all like "WHHHAT, no I'm not, your just stupid..." REALLY?! I walk off, thats the end of THAT bellend.... Why do I even bother..

I get back to the room, and finish off the lovely task of packing... Tomorrow is KL!! wwwwwwoooooo!!!!


Tags: christmas, douche bag, lanterns, mass

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