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THAILAND | Wednesday, 12 December 2012 | Views [284]

****Warning, I'm not in the best of moods, whingeing most likely.....

I just don't get him, seriously. How can someone be so rude. I rarely find myself disliking someone to this extreme oftern without knowning them. But this guy, wow. Can't stand him.. His voice just grates me, I want to jump out of the window just like some of my pupils.. He hasn't even asked me how my weekend was? I had to wait 1.5hrs after work for him cos he had my key and he comes in all blazay "oh i thought you would of got a ride?" Yeh clevercloggs, like I'd be sitting around here waiting for your f-ing yank ass. 

Right, rant over..

On a Lorrie note though- I'm still not sure I want to be doing this. I can't tell what's getting me down, wheather its the fact that I have nobody to talk to, no one understands me, I can't read anything, I don't know where I'm going (which isn't THAT big a deal, cos I like getting lost) But its just getting to me, I want some normality, Western-ness back. I'm even after nearly 3 years I'm starting to miss the UK.. Something must be up! I'm even considering just packing it in and going back for awhile.. But even having said that, why do that when I could just go back to New Zealand where I wanted to be 3years ago? Maybe a trip to the UK is better, yeh, a TRIP, I can still leave at the end! WOOHOO... We just have to hope that my superannuation from Australia gets back to me OK!

Teaching this week has had its ups and downs. This week is proving to be hard, why, I don't know. Tuesday was fine, today I just didn't want to be there and I was making up reasons in my head to leave, but I need to get paid, and I can't just up and leave! I just couldn't do that. No matter how much of a shit day I'm having the school and the kids deserve better than that. I just hope its my period on its way, cos man I feel like running for the hills.. Roll on 2 weeks, when I get a holiday to KL!!!! Before I pack it in, i'm just going to try and get a job in Bangkok, so I could have a life as well as a working life, maybe thats what's missing. Its hard being in the middle of nowhere, nobody to talk to... I feel trapped.

My lesson plans have been going well... I've made them get into teams, they have to find the word on the board and there all jumbled up and they have to race to the board and circle the word that I call out.. They've been loving it.. Even the older kids. 

I've been asked by one teacher to do a more structured lesson plan, meaning I have to set tasks etc, from the book- Don't like the sound of this, and this has made me panic- I'm slightly annoyed that my TEFL course never taught us this type of teaching, I feel very limited in my knowledge.. But I guess its something that I might learn from, and I'm definately doubting myself and my own ablilities.. (I can guess by now I'm ranting, your bored of my wingeing.... There was a warning attached ;-) )

Geeze I haven't even mentioned what I did on the weekend... Too much whingeing!! 

So.. Come Sunday I drive down to Lampam beach. Its not a beach. Its a park on the water front. Its very cute full of people- inc some of my students who frantically wave and say "Miss Lauren, hehehe, MISS LAAAAAAAUUUURREEEN" and they all fall around giggling :-) I find a spot a read my book- I'm this amazing that I get a giggly girl come upto me asking for a photograph.. I just can't help being white, tattooed and wierd looking! haha.. After an hour or so I'm not getting enough sun and I feel the need to explore. I drive 23kms to the next town called Thani Noi, a small fishing town. Its lovely. THERE'S A FERANG!!!! I couldn't help but stare, an actual white person! There's a market which I trall around, eat some food and buy a few things... Its a nice easy breezy day and I'm enjoying getting to know the area. I then make my way back to Phattalung to find this amazing tesco lotus that everyone goes on about.. Am I really getting excited to go to a supermarket. Yes I am, and it is amazing.. Its huuuge, well.. For a place like Phattalung it is.. AND OOOOOOH 2 BUTCH LOOKING FERANG GIRLS- Obv teachers, as they make no eye contact with me.. The usual for up themselves teachers who are just TOO cool to be seen with other ferang --_-- WHATEVVVS my attension is darted to the fact that I have found blue tack, this has made my day... it was also a good day cos I FOUND SUSHI and it was yum!!!! Yes tecso lotus, you are amazing.. The other shops there I was surprsied how trendy they were, overpriced but surprising. by this poing I'm tiered, hungry and its time to go back home... I got lesson plans to sort out.

We have Monday off- I go for another drive, trying to find these caves, couldn't find them- did though find loads of little backroads that link up to places that I knew, and I get lost on these roads all day and finding myself again, it was awesome :) Phattalung isn't that bad, I'm glad I stayed around the weekend- got this town down to a T! boom! haha

Yesterday we went tesco loutus after I came back from the doctor- OH YEAH!! I can hear again.. Everything IS SO LOUD!!! Maybe it was a good thing having blocked ears? You should of seen the amount of wax that came out.. HUGE- Kinda wanted to keep it to get a photo.. lol!!!

So, tesco lotus, right before close they reduce everything- I go made.. CAKES, BUNS, CHEESE aaaaargh Its all sooo cheap!! Going again tonight for sure.. Whole chicken, 47B thats like not even $3- diiiiner!!! I even saw on the way back a BAR!! with LIVE music, may drain my sorrows there come Friday night! lol


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