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New Beginnings...


THAILAND | Tuesday, 4 December 2012 | Views [317]

Once I get on the bus to Phattalung I'm kinda relieved that I'm getting back to what I came here for. A week getting silly was a)well needed B)lots of fun and c)did i mention well needed??

I get dropped off at the side of the road, and its raining. Again. I have no idea where I am, and how I'm suppost to meet Mon. She calls eventually and she comes to get me with the head of English from my school. SHIIIT I look like a mess! They are both very nice, and we go accomodation seeking all day. After checking out some diiiiives and nearly crying my heart out at the state of the place we finally find a nice guest house, cheapest, loveliest reception lady who is just so cute I could put her in my pocket I set my heart on this one. Double bed- AN ACTUALL bed- Honestly haven't had one of those for about 3months. Probably more.. Last time I had a double bed to myself was when I was living in the desert in Australia back in July, and that was only for 3 weeks, before I ended up squatting on a mates floor, on a just a mattress- Floors had become something I was used to for about 5months. Even in Freo I was sleeping on a blow up bed, ON the floor, haha.. Anway- I have my own bathroom, balcony and cable TV, it even has ITV from the UK, hahaha. I settle in, snooze and have a little walk round town. It seems nice enough, has alot of shopping options and it even has a tesco lotus. Can't be all bad.

Sunday I go clothes shopping for school as I'm not provided with a uniform and I have to cover up my tats. That was hard work- I'm 6'0 28inch wasit and compaired to the Thai's I'm huge!!! I don't even fit into a L! I manage to find something, and some shoes, and I'm ready. End up catching up with an old friend that I shold of done ages ago, and its made me very happy :-) So that was definately a good end of the day.


First day of school. WOW.

Get picked up by the head of English and immidiately get taken to breakfast at the school canteen that opens at 7am so students who may not be able to eat at home can. The school is huge, over 1000pupils apparently. I'm told that I'll have to give a speech infront of the entire school. WTF! Thank god noone has said anything about my top, as its not covering my chest piece and its quite tight.. I'm paraded around the school and every one is SO nice and wanting to say hello- the teachers are so excited, I'm getting called a model and beautiful all the time, it was just alot to take in.

We stand to hear the schools national anthem and watch them raise the flag, and the ENTIRE school is there, loads of them, and I'm suppost to get up and talk to them WTF! Its baking hot, my face is melting and I'm sure I'm slowly turning white with fear. I'm pulled up, given a mic and I just start babbling- where I come from, about my brother, where I've been- god I am shaking like a leaf- but every face was just so happy and intrested it slowly faded. Still I did it. Now if no one noticed before they definately know about me now. All morning before class they would say hello, Wai me- Call me pretty, duck under me when I walked past. Its overwhelming thats for sure.

I'm shown to my desk in the language department, and then get taken to my first class, second class- and then I'm finally left to my desk to cry myself into a panic... so much to teach, so many different levels, JESUS! Some of them just don't care and will show it. Some laugh at you and look through you and I can't help but try more with the kids that actually want to learn, and there were a few. At lunch I'm taking by the sweetest boy and girl, couldn't tell you their names, but they were SO cute. I could tell they were so proud that I was walking with them- took me to the canteen, got me water, offered to carry my bag- super cute. After lunch I had 2 more classes, that went a bit better than the first 2- and I've got in mind what I need to prep for. After I finish, I get flashed around the school one more time- head master, head misstress- "oh she's so beautiful" "ohhh like a model" "oooh so tall" i am just fed up of smiling and nodding i just wana colapse in bed.

After school another English teacher has invited me for dinner. She's so lovely and I can't say no, its just not the Thai way. I'm glad I went though, after getting back and stressing about lesson plans she turns up and takes me to a lovely Thai resturant. She has to order for me mind as nothing is in English and it was just lovely.. Apparently she didn't order it to her liking, cos she knew us farang can't handle our spices!!! Bless her, she wouldn't let me pay- and even drove me home and drew me a map for tomorrow if I end up getting on the bus. Bless her heart! Again I can tell that its cool to be seen with me, its quite sweet.. Its like being famous here. They dont' know me, but they know I'm a teacher, even in the 7/11 kids duck to walk past me, as they can't be taller than me....

Hopefully tomorrow will go well, I'm going to use the same lesson for each of my classes tomorrow, print off loads of work sheets and pray the 50mins goes a hell lot fast than it did today.

I'm hoping this American guy rocks up when I get back, It would be nice to have some one to talk to and get ideas off....

Tags: asembely, double bed, paraded, pretty, smiling, wai

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