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Loza's Travels his is it! I am finally getting my chance to travel the land of Europe! Starting with Turkey and the Greek Islands including ANZAC day at Gallipoli before making my way to work in London. Then hopefully earning some money to fund more travel experience

Made it to London

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 27 May 2007 | Views [1170] | Comments [1]

So I am here... flight over from Istanbul was great as flew into the airport over central London and got my first glimpses of Big Ben, the london eye, the river Thames, and some other main attractions! Then they even let us into the country which is always a bonus! Visa was all good and no tough guy immigration anticts.

Caught tube into Bayswater which is on the edge of Hyde Park , tube, such a novality! Hostel crap but who cares we have made it to London. Quick shower and change and off on big bus tour. Sat up the top of a red double decker bus to see the sights of London and the traffic of London! Saw marble arch, trafalgar square, leicister square, big ben and the houses of parliment, tower bridge, the tower of London, buckingham palace but to name a few!

Out to watch the soccer final, can't call it football as it isn't. Met up with Mel and here we can drink on the streets so bought or beers from minimart and drank them out the front of some pub watching their T.v!

Day 2 in London time to do a walking tour, did a royal one and saw the changing of the guard where they had a big brass band out the front leading the guards, all very showy! Was great and the sun was shining, think I could like this place! Called a contact from the Austin who might have a job in London for me and guess what she wanted me to start tomorrow! But said can I have one more day as need to organise a bank account and little stuff!

Friday night Elisha and I moved out of the hostel, she went to her aunty's and I went down to Croydon to stay with Fiona and her husband David. It was wonderful to catch up with Fi and so good that they had a spare bed as i had none! Went looking for houses but no luck that weekend and the weather turned bad. Met up with Elisha in Oxford St to by some work clothes and it was so icy cold, very different from when we landed, but i suppose i need to be getting used to this.

Started work at Alliance Medical in central London with the old Austin girls, Fiona, Michelle and Kelly, and Ryan a lovely canadian. Working on their PET/CT scanners and they made me feel so welcome, was just like working at home, only the patients had funny accents! Still staying at Fi's and thanking her so much for the bed as have been looking at places most nights after work and there is some dumps out there, i'm not that fussy but 7 people and one bathroom where the toilet isn't separate just doesn't work for me!

Visited Dad's cousin Petra and her husband Mark for a sunday lunch and she cooked me a roast which was absoutely lovely as a hadn't had much home cooking since leaving Aus.

So i ahve made it to London, found a job, got a bank, now to find somewhere to live and some friends!

Tags: People



Hi Loz,

Sounds like you are doing really well! Must have been nice to see Mum & Dad recently. I heard you have caught up with our relo's over there Lauren & Hayden; apparently one of Ross & Sue Aberdeen's girls is also coming over soon, I think they will give her your email also. Eleanor is growing up sooo fast (five months last Saturday)!! Will have to send you some pics, anyway hope all is well with you and you're still having fun.
Lots of love & hugs Nicole, Jeremy & Eleanor

  Nicole, Jeremy & Eleanor Sep 12, 2007 10:00 AM



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