Landed in Turkey today after 2 plane rides to get here! no hickups but the tv screens in our row didn't work on the flight from Malaysia to Istanbul so wasn't too happy as i only got half way through the persuit of happyness on the first flight so it was a sleeping tablet to the answer! Landed and Istanbul airport very nice and ordered no complaints except i think someone packed two extra bricks in my bag as very heavy.
Went for a bit of a walk when we arrived at our Hostel in Sultanahmet, have the Aya Sophia and the Blue Mosque just a few streets away. Tis an amazing city so far and we have only walked a few streets of the old city, can't wait to explore it better tomorrow.
Am very tired now i think it is about 3am at home and only 7 pm here so we have just survived dinner without falling asleep but now is touch and go! So tired...