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Gallery: Dec 2007-Jan 2008

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 17 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Damn Rainy Season

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [276]

I can't believe this weather. I can't get the bus to Airlie Beach because alot the roads are closed because of the floods. I'm so gutted. Stuck in Townsville for a bit longer.

Tags: The Great Outdoors


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 Jan 2008 | Views [288]

I was staying with my cousin Kate and her husband Matt and their darling daughter Jasmine up in Townsville for about two weeks. Visited the Billabong sanctuary which has loads of cool animals, even got to a hold a quala and feed the kangaroos, which ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Sydney Festival

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [253]

Went to the opening night of the Sydney festival which was really good. Lots of live music and performances. Dance section was really cool. Seen Plump dj's and Ajax, which were really cool. I love Sydney and the vibe that you feel when you're here, it's ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

My first ever test match

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 2 Jan 2008 | Views [265]

I have been really excited about going to my first ever test match. Australia are playing India and even though I didn't really have a clue about the rules or anything like that, I really enjoyed it, and by the end, I kind of a go it a bit more. Would ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

New Year's day but not as I know it

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 Jan 2008 | Views [256]

Well I can honestly say that this is first new year's day since I've been about 16 where I haven't been feeling ill after a night of excess (or in some cases, still partying). It actually feels really good and refreshing to have a clear head on new year's ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

NYE Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 31 Dec 2007 | Views [394]

I can't believe I'm spending New Year's Eve in Sydney. How exciting. We're watching the fireworks from a roof top in Darlinghurst. Get an absolutely amazing view. Decide to worry about my phone bill tomorrow and call a few people back home. Big mistake ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Coogee Beach

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 Dec 2007 | Views [267]

Set off for Coogee Beach today. I was glad to leave Maitland. I didn't really find there was that much to do and was getting quite bored. I feel really excited now about starting the next stage of my trip. I fall in love with Coogee instantly and it's ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Christmas Day

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 25 Dec 2007 | Views [233]

I can't quite get my head around the fact that it's Christmas day and it's fairly warm outside. I was looking forward to Christmas lunch outside but it started raining so bang goes my plan for the whole totally different Christmas experience. It is ... Read more >

Tags: Family

The Hunter Valley - Wine Tasting

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 | Views [224]

Set off today driving through the Hunter Valley. Absolutely gorgeous scenery with rolling green hills, quaint farm houses and fantastic wildlife.  We went wine tasting at a few of the vineyards. I was feeling quite nervous about this as I hadn't been ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Maitland and Newcastle

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 17 Dec 2007 | Views [261]

My first stop is with my aunt in Maitland. I'm going to be staying here until Christmas and then setting off to Sydney. I'm made to feel very welcome and looked after which is fab. Apart from the fact that I'm gaining about a kilo a day from all her ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Yipee, I made it!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Views [290]

I arrived safely in Sydney. Surprisingly, without being busted as part of an international drugs smuggling raquet or without being hauled up by immigration as an illegal alien and sent backpacking all the way home. I can't believe I'm here. It doesn't ... Read more >

Tags: Airports

I can't believe I set off in a week

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 9 Dec 2007 | Views [235]

It's less a week to go before my exciting adventure to the other side of the world and I'm as organised as ever. That is, if organised is not even having a bag in which to pack the millions of items I can't possible go to Australia without. I wonder ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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