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Big adventures for a little sheila on a huge island Who knows what'll happen next?


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 12 Oct 2008 | Views [269]

We arrived in Melbourne, which I instantly liked, although Jannine was sulking about having to visit "just another city", but was trying to hide it quite well. I wish we had longer to spend here, but it just means I'll have to come back another ... Read more >

Eerie Indiana aka Mallacoota

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 10 Oct 2008 | Views [300]

After a certain incident which meant we had to drive out of NSW quicker than the speed of lightning, whilst remaining within the speed limit, we were relieved to arrive in Victoria and stopped practically at the first town we met, which was Mallacoota.... Read more >

Start of the road trip with Reenie - 1st stop Jervis Bay

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 6 Oct 2008 | Views [295]

Was great to have Jannine over here. We were both so excited and wondering how the hell we were going to pack everything in until it was time for her to go home. We picked up a hire car and drove down the coast to Jervis Bay, which was beautiful. We ... Read more >

Settled in Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 1 Oct 2008 | Views [299]

I spent a great time in Sydney and met some fantastic people. I got sick of the job as a receptionist and got myself another as a youth worker in a young person's rehab, which was interesting to say the least! Time flew by, and I haven't updated this ... Read more >

My Birthday

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2008 | Views [325]

Wasn't sure what it was going to be like having my birthday so far away from home. Was beginning to feel a bit homesick by the whole thing. I shouldn't have bothered. Hannah threw a birthday dinner for me at her house, which was a great laugh. She cooked ... Read more >

Boring stuff

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [354]

I’ve just got a job now as a receptionist in the city, so I don’t know how much stuff I’ll be doing. Need to save up more cash so I can go off on my travels again. Moved into a house in North Bondi too, which is costing a fortune. House mates seem really ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 Mar 2008 | Views [330]

I never thought Duran Duran would be a band I would see live, but I’m so glad I did. They played the V festival and were fantastic. Aswell as Smashing Pumpkins and Queens of the Stoneage. Another great day out.

Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [354]

Blue Mountains I think the Blue Mountains were definitely one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, they’re up there with Fraser Island. It’s true what they say about the blue mist which gathers over the place, hence why it’s called the Blue ... Read more >

Byron Bay and the Skydive

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [418]

We were on our way to Byron Bay, quite hungover after a night’s boozing at surfer’s paradise and I was contemplating my sky dive the next day, when my phone rings. It’s the sky dive company asking if I can dive today instead of tomorrow as the weather ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Friday, 29 Feb 2008 | Views [344]

I have to say, I didn’t think much of Brisbane as a place. The Southbank was really nice, which is where we spent most of out time whilst there. We went to the Andy Warhol exhibition (just wish we had more time to look around, but didn’t get there until ... Read more >

Moreton Island

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 25 Feb 2008 | Views [955]

My friend Show and I sent off on mini road trip, destined for Moreton Island. On the way, we stop at Noosa which is beautiful, but manage to stay in a rat infested, party hostel. We wake and get out of the hostel as fast as we can and stop at Maroochadore, ... Read more >

Bye Bye Rainbow Beach

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 22 Feb 2008 | Views [415]

Today is my last day at Rainbow Beach. I'm feeling very sad but very excited at the same time. I've met some fantatic people here and really have been made to feel part of the family. I'm so sad to leave, but looking forward to the rest of my adventure.... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Dolphin Kayaking

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 21 Feb 2008 | Views [375]

I went dolphin kayaking today. I was so excited that for some strange reason, I didn't think I'd actually have to do anything - like paddling. It was really hard work. And after an hour paddling, being miles behind the group (thanks Steve who shared ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

A happy day on sorry day

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 | Views [449]

Today the Australian government have apologised to the Aboriginal people for their treatment of them and in particular, the stolen generation. It has caused some controversy in Australia with some people being all for it and others thinking they shouldn't ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Sandblows - Rainbow Beach

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Views [1405]

I'm feeling absolutely shattered but want to go on this walk that I've heard about that leaves at 3.30pm from one of the hostels. I'm going to be working quite a few afternoons in a row so I know if I don't go today, I'm not going to get a chance for ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Live didgeredoo

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [366]

We go to Frasers which is one of the other hostels in Rainbow beach. The band that's playing do some really good numbers. Then they start singing snoop doggy dog songs in the style of indie, which I thought was absolutely amazing. It sounded so funny.... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Rainbow Beach

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2008 | Views [427]

I arrive at Rainbow beach absolutely buzzing from the Fraser Island trip and adamant I am going back there. Rainbow beach is a really small place with beautiful beaches and a really relaxed, chilled out atmosphere. I'm staying at Pippies Beachhouse, ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Wow Fraser Island

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 27 Jan 2008 | Views [2634]

After the much hyped Whitsunday Islands, I was hoping I was going to be slightly more impressed by Fraser Island, but after a 15 hour bus journey from Airlie Beach to Hervey Bay and three hours sleep, I was going to be a difficult customer to impress.... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Whitsunday Islands

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 26 Jan 2008 | Views [562] | Comments [1]

I was really looking forward to sailing around the Whitsundays. I was slightly apprehensive aswell as I've never been on a boat for longer than a few hours. I was worried I'd get sea sick and I couldn't really get my head round where 11 people could ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Airlie Beach

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 18 Jan 2008 | Views [378]

Well the weather's calmed down a bit and I've eventually made it to Airlie Beach. I'm staying in Bushvilliage Backpackers which is a really friendly place. Chilling outside on a hammock when a really light tropical shower starts, just reminds me of how ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

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