We were on our way to Byron Bay, quite hungover after a night’s boozing at surfer’s paradise and I was contemplating my sky dive the next day, when my phone rings. It’s the sky dive company asking if I can dive today instead of tomorrow as the weather looks bad for tomorrow. My heart jumps into my mouth. I haven’t had enough time to mentally prepare myself, but agree anyway. We get to our hostel, dump the bags and literally five minutes later, the sky dive company are here to pick me up. Arrgh. When we get there, we’re waiting around for about two hours, then it’s my turn. I was actually feeling quite calm at that point, right up until the plane door opened. At that point, panic hit me. Not that it matters, because at that point you don’t have any choice, your instructor hurls you out of the door, whether you like it or not. Like it? I fucking loved it. It was fantastic. What a rush. I think I need to get a new career as an outdoors instructor or an extreme sports coach or something. I just love doing these things. It really feels like your flying , then they open the parachute. I think that is one of the most peaceful things, I’ll ever experience. Just floating down to earth, absolutely amazing. That gives the abseil a run for it’s money. Another hour or so and we leave, clutching my cd with the photos, which have just cost me a small fortune. I needed proof though.
Still reeling from the skydive, we wander round Byron Bay, which is such a cool place, I instantly fall in love. The relaxed, laid back atmosphere just pulls you in. We go for some food then start t o walk home. On the way home, there’s people playing the bongos and others dancing in this field, while someone serves chai tea. We stop and chat to people for a while and take in this cool place.
The next day we hire some motorised pushbikes to take us up to the lighthouse. They say you never forget to ride a bike, so would someone mind explaining to me why I’ve just nearly ended up in the bushes on my arse? Or why I keep swerving into the path of oncoming traffic? I think it’s the whole motorised thing that confuses me. We eventually arrive at the lighthouse, incident free (although we’ve still got to get back). The view is phenomenal and I find myself feeling slightly glad that it was so much hard work to get there, as I really appreciate it. We look down into the sea and see two dolphins swimming – I love Australia. Again, time runs out and it’s time to move on, that list of mine is just getting longer and longer.