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Robbie Hey everybody!! This journal was set up to keep everyone up to date with my travels through China and Vietnam. I will be volunteering in China up in the north west part of the country in a city called Urumqi for 13 weeks, helping out (hopefully) with teaching english. I will then have some time in Beijing to explore the sights. I then move on to Vietnam to meet up with my mum for a few days in Ho Chi Minh then fly up to Hanoi to volunteer with a local volunteer agency SJ Vietnam for 10 weeks. Then I fly home just in time for my 21st birthday. This journal will keep you up to date with all my volunteering adventures!!

Back in Urumqi.

CHINA | Tuesday, 22 May 2007 | Views [1014] | Comments [1]

Mao reaches Kashgar!!

Mao reaches Kashgar!!

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while.  I hope you are all well.

Not a lot has happened, I go to work and come home like everyone else.  I love it at the primary school both the teachers and the students are so much fun, I really enjoy going to work.

I also have found some other western restraunts, so I am getting to know my way around. The week I came home from Kashgar, I was sick with the flu, it got a bit chesty so I went to the hospital to see the doctor.  I held this off for as long as possible, I didn't like the idea of going as I couldn't communicate with them and  also the cleanliness factor.  But I went, Aliya came with me to translate, very nice of her, and it was sterile so no dramas....Until they said they wanted to take blood, I freaked a little, but submitted.  The doctor was nice and looked after me and gave me some medicine.  So it was fine, and even though I had no idea what I took, it made me better.  So it was an experience to go to see a doctor here.

I have had some unusual experiences so far, but last weekend I went bowling , ten pin bowling, who would have thought....You had to pay a bit because it was located in an expensive hotel but it was fun.  Afterwards I was shown the western bar, it was strange to be surrounded by english again but it was great they even had corona mmmmmm

So not much to report.  Just me making an idiot of myself on the way to school the other day, took a great fall, legs flying right from under me and in front of lots people...I quickly jumped up head down and ran for the bus.  I'm still me in China :-)

Missing everyone, but the time is flying.  It will be sad to leave the school.  Lots of Love Katie XXXXXX

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health



Hi Robbie,
hehehehehehe....wish id seen you fall over!!!!your so funny....i miss having you around to laugh with.I like your new photo's.Am i aloud to send you cupcakes in the mail????? Love and lots of hugs XXXX

  megan May 25, 2007 3:58 PM



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