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Robbie Hey everybody!! This journal was set up to keep everyone up to date with my travels through China and Vietnam. I will be volunteering in China up in the north west part of the country in a city called Urumqi for 13 weeks, helping out (hopefully) with teaching english. I will then have some time in Beijing to explore the sights. I then move on to Vietnam to meet up with my mum for a few days in Ho Chi Minh then fly up to Hanoi to volunteer with a local volunteer agency SJ Vietnam for 10 weeks. Then I fly home just in time for my 21st birthday. This journal will keep you up to date with all my volunteering adventures!!


There are [0] photos and [1] story about Malaysia

Jungle Borneo Adventure

Sunday, 27 Sep 2009 | Views [1280]

Hey everyone, Ok so getting myself up to date.  I will try to remember details....one definate thing I remember from Borneo was the huffing and puffing as I trailed after the uber fit people I went with :-) Ok so myself, two of my room mates and another ... Read more >



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