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Robbie Hey everybody!! This journal was set up to keep everyone up to date with my travels through China and Vietnam. I will be volunteering in China up in the north west part of the country in a city called Urumqi for 13 weeks, helping out (hopefully) with teaching english. I will then have some time in Beijing to explore the sights. I then move on to Vietnam to meet up with my mum for a few days in Ho Chi Minh then fly up to Hanoi to volunteer with a local volunteer agency SJ Vietnam for 10 weeks. Then I fly home just in time for my 21st birthday. This journal will keep you up to date with all my volunteering adventures!!

2 days in Vietnam

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 27 March 2007 | Views [2321] | Comments [5]

Katie in Vietnam with all the motor bikes.

Katie in Vietnam with all the motor bikes.

Hi everybody.  Wow so 2 days in vietnam Ho Chi Minh city.  I was met at the airport by cousin Rick and his wife Phoung.  They took me by taxi to my hotel the very nice Novotel paid for by the airline.  I have never stayed in such luxury, a king size bed buffet breakfast pool everything!!!

I was so lucky to have Rick and Phoung show me around along with Phoungs friends.  The Vietnamese are so generous and kind. 

So I booked into my hotel and then was taken by taxi which is very cheap to a very popular and very busy restaurant.  Lucky we had Phoung she did all the talking, I had no idea what was going on.  The food was excellent freshley made, they really like chilli and lime.  I ate everything, prawns crab and yes snails.  They were ok better than oysters as they weren't slimy.  The restaurant was packed and they had so many staff, they had at least 10 chefs who each had there own section and own meals they cooked as you ordered, very quick service.  We washed it all down with giant fresh coconts. 

From there we got in another taxi and went into the city centre and had a walk around, very safe.  Saw notredam church and post office and then walked up to the sheriton hotel where phoung used to work.  I met her friends and then we went up to the 23rd floor and had a cocktail looking out over the city.  It was a great way to meet the city.  Then another taxi back to my hotel where i slept like a baby.

Up early the next morning for my personal tour of the city on the back of a moterbike (very scary) they have no road rules.  Rick took me round to his and Phoungs place which is very nice it has a pool which is needed as its so damn hot!!!!Khoi is growing into a big boy and is very spoilt by the rellies.

So Phoungs friend and her boyfriend met us and whisked us off around the city as one of the locals.  Went to the markets and china town and the saigon river.  Lots of photos which I will load later.

So the day goes on after peeling myself off the back of the moterbike, we had a huge lunch cooked by phoungs mum, very delicious but nothing to scary.  Tried the local fruit, it can be smelly.  Then we had a swim.

I have just been so lucky and the day is not over yet.  So after the swim back on the bikes and to the local hairdresser, for 2 hours of pampering they could only speek vietnamese so i was taken here and there with no idea what was going on, but very relaxing. Highly recomend it!!

I then went and met phoungs sister and brother, very nice.  And then we went to dinner, street style!!!!Loud lady who only spoke vietnamese and once again I was left with no idea what was going on!!!

Then came the food, all sorts shell fish and yes i tried it all and even the baby duck eggs, but I couldn't finish it, so we sat in a small lane way with the locals eating strange food.  From there we went off for a little party with phoungs friends at the 17th saloon country and western style!!Had beer and a cocktail all very nice and all phoungss friends are very generous and kind.

I was then ready for bed as I had to get up at 3:30 am for my flight to beijing.

I had the best time, i could have gone home after those 2 days a happy person.  I would like to thank Rick and Phoung so much for everything i had the best adventure and got to experience it all!!!

Ok well I will keep you up todate once I get to Urumqi with photos and all!!Vietnam was great so cheap!!!

Bye for now.  Love katie xx 

Tags: Adventures



OMG Robbie!!!!!That sounds like heaps and heaps of fun.You sound like your very happy and Vietnam sounds AWESUM!!!Hehehehehe.....i liked the bit about i slept like a baby!!!Hope your enjoying china so far,looking forward to your next blog.Miss you already.travel safe.

  Megan Mar 28, 2007 3:56 PM


Hey Katie, so glad to hear you're having an awsome time, we all miss you back here. HoChiMin sounds really cool but what was with the post office? So proud of you for eating all the different food.
Can't wait to hear more of your adventures, so jealous.
Love George xxx

  George Mar 29, 2007 5:58 PM


Loved the photos Kate
You look so happy
Bloody Henry has just chewed up the toilet roll- Dad is trying to catch him but he is having a spaz attack

Love Mum

  katie_rose Mar 31, 2007 8:41 AM


Dear Katie, you are certainly making memories, I hope the rest of your travels go as smoothly as you have managed so far.This journal is a wonderful record. Have fun, love Jenny

  jenny fletcher Apr 5, 2007 10:21 AM


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  Kevlar Gloves Jan 29, 2009 11:17 PM



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