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Two Monkeys...Monkeying Around

Gallery: Solway Lass

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 3 Mar 2006 | Photo Gallery

Tallship Cruise (3 day 3 night)
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Last days in OZ

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 25 Feb 2006 | Views [725]

Well, our time in this utopic land is nearing its end. Though our suntans and burns bear witness to our time downunder, our memories and photos are the true testiments of our incredible experience here. We landed bright eyed, naive in Sydney 6 months ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Noosa

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 24 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

Photos from the hostel and city
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Solway Lass & Noosa

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 21 Feb 2006 | Views [1225] | Comments [1]

We just returned from a three day three night sailing cruise on the Solway Lass, a 100 year old ship with a crazy history including participating in both world wars. Our expectations were high going in: this was THE part of the trip we were most looking ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Finding Nemo

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 9 Feb 2006 | Views [941] | Comments [3]

Our nothernmost Australian travels have brought us to Cairns, the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and incredible tropical rainforests. We are spending a week here taking in the sights and treating ourselves to some much yearned for rest and relaxation.... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Cairns

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 9 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

Our week in Northern Queensland
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So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu Sydney!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 4 Feb 2006 | Views [585] | Comments [2]

Twas the eve of our departure from the city we have called home for the past 5 months. Bittersweet sentiments flow through our hearts: excitement for the next leg of our journey coupled with the sadness of leaving this amazing city. Such great memories ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Attack of the Cockroaches!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2006 | Views [1495] | Comments [3]

When conjuring up images of Australia, one might think of warm weather, beautiful beaches, laid back people, rugby, or kangaroos. Pessimists might talk of sharks and spiders and snakes. But what about the lowly cockroach? These badboys are ubiquitous ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Sydney Festival - Jazz in the Domain

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 16 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

FREE Authentic New Orlean Jazz bands! On the Domain lawn!
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Gallery: St. George Open Air Cinema

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 16 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

Cinema outside-on the harbour
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Gallery: Green Day and More

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 8 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

Random Pics
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Gallery: Sydney Botanic Gardens

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 8 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

Tropical Center Where Leigh Works
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Gallery: New Years Eve

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 8 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

NYE on the Harbour
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Justin the Shaky Lobster

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 4 Jan 2006 | Views [715] | Comments [1]

Christmas in shorts and bathing suits is certainly an experience we wont soon forget. Forgotten were the toques, the mittens, the heavy winter coats. Although we did feel a bit of a yearning for the fluffy white stuff, sand and ocean are “suitable” ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Aussie's not Australians!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 22 Dec 2005 | Views [631] | Comments [2]

Over the past few months we have come to realize that people here love to "cuten" and shorten a lot of words. I say "cuten" b/c if you were to try to have a full conversation with all the shortened words you would sound like you were ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

A Green Day in Australia

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 15 Dec 2005 | Views [1151] | Comments [3]

Notwithstanding the tension and drama currently in the city, we are still having a fantastic time and really feel as though we are truly getting a feel for Sydney (much more so anyway than if we had only stayed in a hostel). That being said, the routine ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

On Racism

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 14 Dec 2005 | Views [833] | Comments [1]

Though often rated among the very best cities in the world, Sydney has shown a side of itself that we were both surprised and disgusted to see. We did not experience it first hand (thank goodness), but pervading the news channels here are scenes of ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Merry Christmas!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Dec 2005 | Photo Gallery

Our little Aussie tree
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Gallery: Taronga!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Dec 2005 | Photo Gallery

Animals Galore!
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Superman Update

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Dec 2005 | Views [552]

Well filming has wrapped up on the Superman film, they call it Red Sun. There was a day of filming on our street....right outside our apartment building. We had to wait for them to say cut until we could leave out the lobby to get some groceries. It ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

On Aussie Culture

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 Nov 2005 | Views [819]

With nearly 3 months under our belts in the land down under, I think it's about time we reported back on the culture of these Aussies. Let us be your eyes and ears (and noses!) because as much as this is an anglo-saxon country, we can assure you that ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Bushwalking in the Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 13 Nov 2005 | Views [870] | Comments [2]

Although Sydney is an awesome city, sometimes it's nice to just get out of the concrete jungle and head to a real jungle. Two hours out of Sydney by train are the Blue Mountains, so named because of the plethora of Eucalyptus trees who's leaves, when ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: The Blue Mountains!!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 13 Nov 2005 | Photo Gallery

A magnificent rainforest only 2hrs from Sydney!
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Gallery: Hyde Park Barracks Museum

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 13 Nov 2005 | Photo Gallery

Where convicts/crazies were placed when they arrived here.
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AUSTRALIA | Monday, 7 Nov 2005 | Views [712] | Comments [2]

Guess what? Last saturday, around the corner from our place (literally), they were filming a scene for the upcoming Superman movie! It was crazy, they had put up banners with "Metropolis Museum" on them all over the square, and they had all ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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