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Attack of the Cockroaches!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 18 January 2006 | Views [1542] | Comments [3]

When conjuring up images of Australia, one might think of warm weather, beautiful beaches, laid back people, rugby, or kangaroos. Pessimists might talk of sharks and spiders and snakes. But what about the lowly cockroach?

These badboys are ubiquitous down under. Myth might suggest that they live in dirty places but in actuality, they are quite simply just everywhere. If you have a clean house, you simply have clean cockroaches. The point is that you can’t escape the inevitable: cockroaches are taking over Australia!

Ok, so that’s a little excessive, but the damned things are so gross. But why are they so gross? Are we cultured into thinking them as gross? Have we given the cockroach a underserved rap? (you know you’re a geek when you’re planning studies in your head to examine attitudes towards cockroaches).

Let’s take a closer look: they can overcome incredible odds, and can even survive nuclear radiation from an atomic blast. They can go innumerable days without eating, and will eat just about anything. They are adaptive and cunning, and reproduce like mad. They are amazing little things.

So maybe we are too anal about this. Maybe our religious cleaning and incessant spray of RAID is overkill. Maybe cockroaches deserve a place in our homes? Will Greenpeacer’s of the future be chanting “Save the Roaches!”? Admittedly, they probably already do, just not those kind of roaches.

But seriously, we won’t miss these little nasties (certainly Leigh wont!, but for the time being, they are the reality. Sydney is a crazy amazing city with so much to offer, but one thing it can keep is the cockroaches.

Tags: Misadventures



I guess that the roaches are "BUGGING" Leigh. I'm sure that you two can think of some roach games to play--hide and seek, count the roaches and my favorite, "ROACH SQUASH". Hahahaha, don't bring any back, check them at LAX.

  Brian Jan 23, 2006 12:08 AM


Hey Guys! Gross! Is it true, though, that there are no insects in Australia? Someone told me this, but I'm not sure if to believe them... Keep the pictures coming! The Botanic Gardens look beautiful. And taking photos of fireworks always proves to be worthwhile - they turn out sooo cool! :) Love you! Take care of yourselves and each other. Magda

  mags Jan 31, 2006 8:32 AM


HAHAHAHAHA. No there are tons of insects here! First of all its like the capital of the world for spiders - especially the deadly ones. In our Pink House pic gallery you can see a pic of a Huntsman. Very harmless guy but can grow to be as big as my hand. But they have all the regular bugs - esp ants and flies. Once summer hits many people are caught doing "the aussie wave" - swatting flies around your face. They are all over! And its funny, b/c there are bugs all year round here but I have asked around and no one has screens on their windows.(and have yet to see any)

  Leigh Jan 31, 2006 11:35 AM



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