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There are [174] photos and [12] stories about Spain

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Feeling with your ears

Thursday, 21 Nov 2013 | Views [475] | Comments [1]

Singapore airport, waiting for my plane to board. Melbourne at last.   "It's too hot" i hear in the faint distance, a voice that sounds so familiar - but i don't know anyone here?? I have to turn and look, "too hot for ya son?" says a man ... Read more >

Tags: no place like home

On my way to Switzerland

Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Views [381]

9:33 Barcelona to Zurich 15 de noviembre It all feels so surreal still, it feels so ordinary and so exciting at the same time. Im really excited to see Anina again and to see Switzerland. I know its going to be an amazing week with her Yesterday ... Read more >

Euskal Herria

Friday, 8 Nov 2013 | Views [646]

  **** Sorry english speaking friends who needed to translate all my spanish blogs, i wanted to practice, things are spoken/written differently in Spanish so when it’s translated sometimes it won’t make complete sense or it will say ... Read more >

Tags: euskal herria

Surrendering to Love

Friday, 18 Oct 2013 | Views [651] | Comments [2]

00:50 18 de Octubre Surrendering to love Im here in Gernika staying with a relative. Her name is Mari Carmen, but i call her Carmintxu (pronounced carminchu) as she requested. She reminds me of my mum and my nonna, spoiling me with food and ... Read more >

It's not about being lucky

Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Views [1405] | Comments [4]

It's not about being lucky It never is.   If an average 20 year old girl can do it then Who can't? It's not by luck that I juggled three jobs It's not by luck that I got here   It's the anticipation and preparation ... Read more >

La cuenta regresiva

Wednesday, 2 Oct 2013 | Views [492]

Seis días mas    30 de Septiembre 10:25 Elorrio   Que tan rapido ha pasado el tiempo! Hace tres semanas hoy, y tengo cerca de una semana querda. Ya no tengo ninguna idea que esperar en el camino. Me da miedo ... Read more >

Photos: El Camino de Julia

Friday, 27 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

James' house will have to wait another year, my path is to discover my heritage
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A Silent Cry For Home

Sunday, 22 Sep 2013 | Views [511] | Comments [3]

23:08PM   I miss you   Today is the first time ive really felt homesick during my trip. Earlier I cried after reading something that Beca sent me, and now im reading over letters from the children from the orphanage in Ghana, ... Read more >

En la mitad

Monday, 16 Sep 2013 | Views [486]

20:01 Elorrio 16 de septiembre   Tengo 67 días mas de mi aventura.    En el fin de la semana pasada yo subí a la montaña con Iratxe y sus amigos. Llevó cuatro horas a pie de la montañ... Read more >

Tags: pais vasco

Pais Vasco, Elorrio

Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [502] | Comments [1]

Un pequeño lugar con un gran corazón     Elorrio, Pais Vasco 10 de Septiembre 21:30 Después de la cena   Que bonito pueblo! Me siento como una princesa y pienso que estaba lista para relajarse.... Read more >

Tags: pais vasco

Photos: Pais Vasco

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

Elorrio y mas pueblos
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From Cedis to Euros

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [662]

Yesterday I took my 5:55AM flight out of Ghana, it was sad for me to leave. I had cried the morning before, thinking about how I might not ever see my host family or the children at the orphanage again. It was such a wonderful and special last week because ... Read more >

Tags: pais vasco



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