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JASSENDEAVOR 'm going to travel around the world, easternly, from the good ole USA. I plan to be traveling for about 4 months, but who knows what will happen? This is my global adventure. It's a chance to write my own story; but the details will have to be filled i

Ned Nederlander

NETHERLANDS | Sunday, 15 March 2009 | Views [1676] | Comments [1]

Ned Nederlander... from the Three Amigos... was he Dutch?

Anyway, the Netherlands is so far, definitely living up to my preconceptions about a tolerant, laid-back country, and a great place to go for young people.

I will find it difficult to say exactly how great this place does feel... but it's quite nice. I miss my bike, although of literally thousands of bikes I've seen moving and parked I have only consciously seen one road bike, including the guy on it, in the whole bunch. Definitely a minority. Every bike here is built for commuting, moving small goods, children, etc. nomatter what the style of dress... men on suits, women in skirts (short or long) it's all good. The bikes command respect due to their sheer number. The lanes are sometimes not marked as much as the texture of the brick is different, smoother for bikes, more gentle on ramps (in fact, there are not a lot of curbs, at all, in Amsterdam) and as for cars, those are the least of them all. Cars never have the right of way, practically, since bikes and people outnumber them all. Trams are respected due to their clear rail lanes, weight (certain death to be caught under one), and loud bells.

Dutch people, I have found, to be the kindest people. Many, many people simply smile, if not give you something outright. I also find it's true that speaking English doesn't give you the feeling like you're NOT speaking a foreign language; Dutch people actually prefer you NOT to butcher their native tongue with attempting their language.

That being said, I did learn this word, Gezellig, that means "ä good atmosphere, cozy."

I have met so many great, enjoyable people, that I am postponing Paris for an extra night. I HAVE to go back to this one bar where the bartender last night promised me to show me a good Dutch night :) He also made me the best ham and cheese pancake. (They specialize in waffles, pancakes here. DELICIOUS.)

They also specialize in Jenever, a dutch gin, that supposedly only OLD people drink. Young people drink Jaegermeister... but Jenever is not bad. I mixed it with Port wine and had a delicious apertif.

Also, though JASSEN is not dutch, it does have dutch meaning: it means, A man's coat. Yay!

I went to an American production of an improv comedy show, which was great, they did a skit where they discuss how New York (Manhattan) was originally New Amsterdam, and how even as far back as the 1700s they were referring to it as the Big Apple, because in dutch, the saying for a "bad deal" is that you bought an apple for an egg, or something like that.

And yes, I did walk through the red light district and only did a double take (and not a triple) at the ladies in the windows. Though I've only seen perhaps four? or so, all four have been very tan. One was on her cell phone... that was funny. Reminded me of the poor Japanese tourists I saw in Venice who were being poled through a canal by a guy who, to the best of my knowledge, is supposed to be singing to them, but he was instead talking in loud italian on his cell phone.

OK, more later!

Tags: amsterdam, dutch, netherlands



Hey!... who removed my last comment? (must have been the blogger?)

  dj Mar 19, 2009 12:29 PM



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