Go to China, save some money he says...
CHINA | Friday, 22 June 2007 | Views [1681] | Comments [1]
So, as mentioned, our 'saving money in China' scheme didn't really pan
out. After a fairly horrendous 22hr train journey from Guangzhou to
Beijing (due to the fact that a) The cabins were three bunks high and we
were on the very top, b) there was a boy of about 15yr handcuffed and
chained to the bunk below James' and c) the Chinese have a DISGUSTING
habit of spitting in their sleep) we found a cute (if a bit stinky) little
hotel just south of Tianamen Square. We also found an oddly named
restaurant called 'Local Delicacies of Old China Folk' (!) where James fell
in love with their beef in black bean sauce...
Seeing the Great Wall at Badaling was well worth it - we dodged the
American crowds for about an hour's walk upwards, so managed to see it in
its full glory, deserted and un-touristified! Very impressive though,
and we felt like true brits when we got our cheese sarnies out for
lunch! Also seems that the Chinese think we're something special (they're
right, of course) and we had a whole army of them want to pose for
pictures with us!!
The Forbidden City at Tianamen Square was beautiful, though by this
point we were a little fed up of culture and didn't stay long...
In true 'saving money' style we then decided it was necessary to get
ourselves to Xi'an on ANOTHER overnight train. This time there were no
handcuffs in sight - we had true luxury and a cabin to ourselves! After
arriving in Xi'an at 8am, finding out the train to Shenzhen was full,
booking a flight instead and getting on a local bus (where we met Yan) we
finally arrived at the site of The Terracotta Army. An amazing sight,
so odd. James cracked me up saying to Yan 'the farmer that found this
must be rich.....??' (doh! Communism James!! Hehe).
And thats how to 'do' China in a week, back to Hong Kong!
Tags: Budgets & money