There's a clever little expression, birthed by L&P, a popular (and tasty) native NZ drink, that goes like this: "World Famous in New Zealand"
Now, you and I both know that this expression makes no sense. But 'round these parts, it works. Everything from drinks, to fruit, to adventure sports carries this title. And when one brings up adventure sports, there's only one place world famous enough...Queenstown, New Zealand.
But for just a moment, let's put aside the skydiving, the bungy jumping, the river boarding, the canyoning, the hangliding, the stunt helicopters, the dirt biking, or the mountain biking. Let's move on to something a bit more extreme: EXTREME EATING!

What Jake and Genny world tour would be complete without challenging our apetites and our intestinal capacities? I dare say, we would regret our travels if we did not partake! That having been said, welcome to Queenstown, home of the Fergburger!!
Now, this small establishment "sandwiched" (pun intended) between a large clothing store and a national mortgage company on Shotover Street, sits unassumingly whilst tourists meander past, unawares that they are in the presence of greatness. The few that are turned on to the wonder that is the Fergburger, spread the word like a cancer, giving Fergburger better business than the local McD's (this is the truth: Ferg sells more burgers a year than the local Golden Arches, forcing the latter to raise their prices).
There is limited seating at this establishment, so good luck finding a seat. But if you're interested in satisfying your stomach, and not your bum, then you've come to right place! There is nothing that they won't put on a burger...and I mean nothing. Their meat patties range from $8.50 to $15.00, more if you want extras.
Let's put this in perspective, shall we? Gen ordered a Cockadoodle Oink, @ $11.50, which consists of butterflied and crumbled chicken breast, american streaky bacon (we don't know what that means), avocado, lettuce, red onion, aioli (a secret sauce), and tomato relish. Now, Gen likes to keep her eating on the lighter side.
Jake, on the other hand eats like Napolean conquers! On their second visit, Jake ordered the BIG AL (cue ominous music).
BIG AL: Double patties of beef (1/2 pound), lashings of bacon, a whole lotta cheese, two eggs, beetroot, lettuce, tomato, red onion, a big wad of aoili, avocado, and pineapple. The total bill on this burger was $17! And let me just say, it was worth every penny...
(All ingredients quoted directly from menu)
The best part? This joint's open all night! From 10 am to 5 am, and sometimes, if you're lucky, later (or earlier, depending on if you've slept yet).