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There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Netherlands

Rome Again Rome Again Jiggity Jig

Wednesday, 15 Aug 2007 | Views [1928] | Comments [4]

Feeling the burden of living on a budget weighing heavily on our shoulders (and not heavily enough in our stomachs) Gen and I decided it was time for a bit of indulgence. Exacerbating this was our difficulty relinquishing our grip on gluttony after ... Read more >

Tags: Party time


Friday, 8 Jun 2007 | Views [2300] | Comments [3]

Before we get started, in an effort to protect our futre careers as public servants, any typical pictures of an Amsterdam visit will not be included. Additionally, any names and faces have been changed to protect the innocent...namely, us. Now that ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing



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