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hippy trippin


USA | Saturday, 23 Jun 2007 | Views [836] | Comments [1]

so i JUST realized--now that this has been up for the past few weeks--that the WHOLE WIDE FRIGGIN world can read it!! AGH! SO much for my private thoughts remaining 'private'. i'm scaring people far and wide. ha haa!! welcome to my head, World. ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Gallery: modesto and versailles

USA | Saturday, 23 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 73 photos >>

pre-trip musings

USA | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [728]

I'm spending the night at home tonight preparing to leave for Paris in a few days...and I always, always over pack. I'm totally the girl that goes away for 2 days and brings 8 changes of clothes: two casual shorts/shirts, two casual jeans/tops (dark ... Read more >

Tags: Packing & gadgets

Gallery: brussels

USA | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 88 photos >>

Gallery: paris

USA | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 165 photos >>

Gallery: london

USA | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

Gallery: new york

USA | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 12 photos >>

new york 1 (continued)

USA | Thursday, 14 Jun 2007 | Views [1265] | Comments [3]

  it felt like what i had imagined new york to be like--only a little less--like when a movie gets hyped up for a month or two before opening and then when you see it, you feel like the trailer was better. i´m not saying i didnt like it--im just saying ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

new york 2 (you gotta read NY1 first or this aint gonna make sense!)

USA | Wednesday, 13 Jun 2007 | Views [1092]

  I took a sip of my hip mojito—way too much “jito”, not enough “mo”—so I walk over to the lower level bar to ask for mo “mo” and get hit like lightning with a look from the soap opera good looks bearing bartender that completely left me standing there ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

london sunshine

USA | Tuesday, 12 Jun 2007 | Views [1624] | Comments [2]

with a sea of clouds beneath me i see you rising in the distance a small line breaking the sky into two pieces with no view of you yet only a dividing line that we call 'horizon' and in a moment what was night you transform into day with a burst ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

beautiful idiot

USA | Monday, 11 Jun 2007 | Views [1023] | Comments [2]

Well, i hate to start out my journalings with grumblings and I must first make the disclaimer that while I'm about to list everything that went wrong with my day, I'm sitting on a train bound to Paris, so all-in-all Life ain't bad. K, now that THAT ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

first day in Paris

USA | Sunday, 10 Jun 2007 | Views [1234] | Comments [2]

Well, my first day in Paris was nothing short of "interesting". I arrived in Paris Monday night and hadn't slept since Saturday evening, so "rested" I was far from, and I looked every step of a 2 day old woken marathon. Charlotte ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

smashing pumpkins

USA | Saturday, 9 Jun 2007 | Views [1235] | Comments [2]

I just really have a couple of things to say about this concert: 1) Should I ever decide to marry for a third time, it will be to no one else other than Billy Corgan. I think I came three times watching him play the guitar. and 2) Should I ever ... Read more >

Tags: People

"family" and "home"

USA | Friday, 8 Jun 2007 | Views [746]

It's the 6th day of my trip. I'm staying in Brussels, Belgium this weekend with Charlotte and her family. We arrived late last night to one of the warmest welcomes I have had in a long time. I felt like a member of the family being received after ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

"flame on"

USA | Friday, 8 Jun 2007 | Views [789] | Comments [1]

at some point recently, I've started thinking about what I want from my next relationship (although I'm not in any hurry to be in one) and while I've been surrounded by people that mean a lot to me that are in new fast-growing relationships, I reflect ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

the subway

USA | Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [1251]

I'm sitting on a subway on my way to the Saint Michel stop, taking in my surroundings and aside from the heat, this is one of my favorite Parisian experiences. I guess because watching and understanding people is one of my passions--but also because ... Read more >

Tags: People


USA | Thursday, 7 Jun 2007 | Views [901]

Charlotte and I just came back from our tour of downtown Brussels. I have to say that while I was excited about coming to Belgium to visit Charlotte's home and family, I never expected to enjoy Brussels as much as I have. The architecture is AMAZING!! ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

weird realization

USA | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [991]

It's Monday, May 28th and it's the last day of my stay here with Charlotte's family. I woke up with that "hole" in my stomach feeling to know that I would be leaving them this afternoon. One of the things that I love most in my life is my ... Read more >

Tags: People

alone and happy

FRANCE | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [673]

today i feel so happy and content to be alone. it's not some overwhelmingly joyous feeling. i'm not 'in love' with it. i'm just calm and at peace with it. i don't know when i've felt this calm about being alone--maybe never. much of this trip ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

my dark angel - day one

USA | Monday, 4 Jun 2007 | Views [1391] | Comments [3]

there are some people who come into our lives for just a moment. one little tiny breath of a moment--just to give us something that we need--and then like angels, they leave. he was my angel, and with his wings he helped to bring mine back to me.... Read more >

Tags: People

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