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There are [81] photos and [12] stories about Canada

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With Apologies to Mark Twain

Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 | Views [502]

The coldest winter I ever saw was summer in Newfoundland!  The weather around St. Anthony, the area called "Iceberg Alley" started out cold and wet and only got worse.  The high on Thursday was in the single digits on the Celsius scale, around ... Read more >

L'Anse aux Meadows

Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Views [2654]

Hurricane Bill has come and gone.  It hammered Sydney, NS and the Bonavista Peninsula here in Newfoundland but the only effect it had on us is disrupting the ferry schedule.  We couldn't get a reservation until Saturday so we are biding our time ... Read more >

A Hurricane Named Bill

Sunday, 23 Aug 2009 | Views [484]

For the past week everyone has been talking about the storm.   Hurricane Bill was working its way up the coast and headed directly to Atlantic Canada.   Discretion being the better part of valor, we decided to head inland to Gander to wait out ... Read more >

Puffins And Gannets And Mures, Oh My!

Thursday, 20 Aug 2009 | Views [771]

Believe it or not we came to Newfoundland mainly to see Atlantic puffins.   They can be found in Nova Scotia and even in Maine but we took a cruise from Bay Bulls to the main breeding area at Witless Bay near St. John’s.   Gull Island is home ... Read more >

Gallery: Newfoundland

Monday, 17 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gros Morne NP

Monday, 17 Aug 2009 | Views [658]

The Vikings discovered Newfoundland five centuries before Columbus crossed the ocean blue.   It would have taken them a lot longer if they had to use the Atlantic Marine Ferry like we did; three hours late on a five hour crossing. The Viking occupation ... Read more >

Gallery: Nova Scotia

Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Nova Scotia

Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Views [455]

Nova Scotia is one of the Maritime Provinces of Canada.   As in the other provinces - except Quebec - signage is in English and French.   But here in Cape Breton, to make things more interesting, they also add Gaelic.   Nova Scotia, after all, ... Read more >

Unmasked - The Ugly American

Monday, 10 Aug 2009 | Views [519]

I don’t like French Canadians.   There, I’ve said it!    Quebec is a beautiful province and we have enjoyed the time we spent there. Quebec City is beautiful and we even had fun during a freezing week in February in Montreal.   But the people are ... Read more >

Gallery: Ontario and Quebec

Friday, 7 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Thousand Islands

Thursday, 6 Aug 2009 | Views [4458]

Right in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River is Thousand Islands UNESCO World Biosphere, home of thousand islands salad dressing and summer retreat for the oh-so-wealthy.  Actually there are about 1800 "islands," defined as a piece of ... Read more >

Toronto and Niagara Falls

Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [2134]

We crossed from Michigan into Canada at Sault Ste. Marie on Sunday. Since we had visited the 'Soo Locks' years ago we stayed for only the night and headed for Toronto.  After 8 hours of driving we were not to be denied a campsite because of a little ... Read more >



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