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With Apologies to Mark Twain

CANADA | Saturday, 29 August 2009 | Views [516]

The way we will remember Newfoundland

The way we will remember Newfoundland

The coldest winter I ever saw was summer in Newfoundland!  The weather around St. Anthony, the area called "Iceberg Alley" started out cold and wet and only got worse.  The high on Thursday was in the single digits on the Celsius scale, around 48 F.  The winds continued to howl all night long. As we drove down the coast towards Port aux Basques it just got worse and the temperature got down to 4 degrees last night.  We heard they even had snow in Labrador.

The waves crashing along the coast and the scudding grey clouds made us wonder why people live here.  The first 'settlers' were descendants of the Eskimos so it was nothing new to them.  And the Norse who came next were Vikings, for goodness sake.  We just can't get a handle on the "Newfies."  Now that their wood piles are full and the berries are harvested, they are ready for winter.  For certain they are a hearty breed.  



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