Up and farewelled Brydie :(. It was a day for sounds. We first went to the Frauenkirche to try and see inside while there was no service – and instead scored a full mass with a choir and pipe organ – just magnificent in the old building with the great acoustics. We then did a quick tour of the Cuvee Theatre attached to the Residenz which was most glamourous. Then decided to finish with the Glockenspiel. Found a café with perfect views and ordered an early lunch while waiting and it was like all the town churches (and there are many) were all ringing their bells – it was great. And then the 10minute Glockenspiel performance. Then back for our luggage and out to the airport for the very long trip home – from motel to our house will be about 37 hours in total – and so much queueing! The flight into London was a bit special through as it was Guy Fawkes night and there were fireworks going off everywhere over town.